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•Mike's pov•

"This is all my fault" I said and the whole party looked at me. "No it's not, its mine" El said. "No its mine, I kissed back" I said.

"Well we have to find her" Will said and everyone nodded. El closed her eyes and we already knew what she was doing.

Her face scrunched up as her breathing increased. "I can't see her" she sighed. "We have to tell hopper" Max said.

My anxiety started to kick in knowing that Y/n is gone.

We quickly walked outside to the older teens with fear all in our eyes. Nancy soon looked at us with her whole mood changing.

"What happened" she said running up and hugging me. I guess I was crying because she quickly wiped my tears away.

"Y/n is gone" I managed to get out. As soon as those words came out, the teens look around the parking lot shouting y/n's name.

She doesn't deserve all this hate everyone keeps giving her. I left the group and started running.

I need to find her.

No one followed me, just called after but that didn't stop me. Tears streamed down from my face as I ran. I ran down the long street screaming y/n's name.

I kept running until I couldn't anymore. I found myself down at an empty road, a couple minutes away from her old house.

Something told me to keep walking to that house, have a little hope she was there safe and sound.

Once I got closer to the house I heard soft crying. Once I heard that, I started running for the porch.

I seen y/n sitting on the steps with her head in her hands softly crying. It broke my heart to see her like this, it hurt even more to know that I was the one who made her like this.

"Y/n" I said and she quickly got up and wiped her tears. "What do you want" she said fixing her dress.

"Look y/n, I never wanted to hurt you, Tonight I didn't know what got into me, I thought I was kissing you until I felt nothing in the kiss, I know you probably want nothing to do with me and I'm not good with speeches-" I said before I was cut off.

I felt her arms wrapped around me as she buried her head in my chest. "You talk to much" she softly giggled.

She moved her head from my chest and looked at me. I wiped her tear and moved a her hair out of her face.

"You look beautiful tonight" I said and she smiled. "Your sister did most of the work" she said.

I smiled and started to lean in. The kiss felt like everything I needed and desired. It was A short kiss but I wasn't complaining.

I pulled her into a tight hug and kissed her head. "I never want to lose you again" I said.

"Neither do I" She said.


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