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•Mike's pov•
It made me so mad that no one cared about y/n's safety. I want to protect everyone else but y/n shouldn't be left just to die.

I pedaled my bike to the school with the rest of the party following behind me. Once we got to the school, the windows were broken and the emergency lights were on.

It didn't faze me that much because I've already been through this, with El. I know I've been such a jerk to her. I have to make it up to her once this is over.

We walked through the big metal doors and into the school. I know that y/n didn't know her way through the school so I checked her most common spots.

"Ok guys, do not go anywhere without a buddy" I said and they nodded.

"Dustin with me and Lucas with Max, and call through the walkie-talkie if you find her" I said and we all broke into our groups.

•few minutes later•

"She's not in the math classroom, over" Lucas said.

"Ok" I said as we ran over to the history classroom. She's not there either.

"She's not in the history classroom ,over" I said. We ran around the whole school and still couldn't find her. It drove me crazy. Maybe El lied to us.

I felt wet tear drops come down my cheeks.

"WHERE ARE YOU Y/N" I yelled. I heard tire screeches outside of the school.

"Y/N" I kept yelling as the tears grew heavier. Then I heard footsteps of Lucas and Max. They gave me a sad face and I just shrugged it off.

Someone's scream echoed through the building, it was too familiar.

We went down the hall that we chased her in on her first day.

Everything froze When I saw it.

A puddle of blood and a demogorgon just starring at it with its mouth wide open at the exact same spot y/n was at when we first met.

The demogorgon screamed at us and darted towards us.

I felt my self being placed into someone's arms as gun shots echoed through the area. I looked up to see Nancy hugging me as Steve and Jonathan killed the beast.

All I could do was hug back and cry into my sisters chest. I blamed my self for all of this.

"Shes dead" I kept saying over and over again as everyone else was brought into a group hug.

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