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•y/n pov•
I woke up and I was next to a tree. I looked around and all I seen was a long road. I couldn't teleport anywhere else because I already felt drained.

So I started walking down the long road. It started to get cold so I crossed my arms. I heard the sound of bikes behind me.

"Y/n!" Dustin, Lucas, Max and Will said. I continued to walk ignoring them. I wasn't mad at Will, I was mad at everyone else, even Jane.

"Y/n we're sorry about what Mike said" Dustin said. "Yeah, we want you in the group" Max said.

"I didn't want to be in your stupid group anyway" I said continuing to walk. I was walking with a limp and I was trying to make it not noticeable.

"Come on, we'll take you home" Will said stopping his bike in front of me. I gladly got on.

The group bike ride was silent for most of the time. Dustin would occasionally sing something or joke around with Lucas.

We all arrived at my house. "Thanks" i said kissing Will again.

"No offense but why do you keep kissing Will?" Dustin asked.

"Kissing is a form of love, Friends love each other, do you want one?" I said.

"Actually-" Dustin said before Lucas cut him off. "No He doesn't, and kissing is what people do when they are dating".

"Dating?" I questioned. "It's when two people be together for a while and they don't date anyone else until the couple breaks up" Max said.

"Like El and Mike, and Lucas and Max" Will said.

"Oh" I mumbled putting my head down. I'm so stupid.

"But I guess we'll see you around" Dustin said. "Don't get your hopes up" I said and walked into my house.

I can't trust them if they don't trust me.

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