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•y/n pov•

I gasped as I was brought out of the dark trance. The gate is opened again.

"We need to help" Jane managed to get out. I nodded. We both got up from our previous stances and rushed out of the cabin.

Tears brimming to my eyes, thinking about everyone in danger.

"Do you know where to go?" I asked looking around the darkness of the night.

"I know what I need to do" she said as she turned away from me and started walking.

"Wha-" I said as I walked to her. She threw her hand back and I flew back into the cabin, the doors locked.

I tried to unlock them but it was no use. I looked out the window and she was gone.

I tried to use my powers but it made me weaker and weaker. What the hell is going on


•Jane's pov•

I was mad at y/n but I didn't want to show it fully. Mike calls for her every night. He's supposed to do that to me. He hasn't even mentioned a word about me.

I thought he cared about me.

I took a bus to get into town. I sat in the back of the empty bus and stared out the window. I was thinking about how the gate got opened again. I closed it a year ago.

I stopped at a familiar street and ran to the pay phone. I had about 3 dollars on me in change.

I put the quarter in the machine and dialed Hoppers number.

He picked up at last minute.

"Hello" he said.

"Dad, the gate is open again" i said. He gasped And yelled.

"Stay at home with y/n, ill gather up some troops an-" he said before I cut him off.

"I closed the gate last time and I can do it again" I said and he sighed.

"Are you home" he asked and I pursed my lips together.

"No" I said. He stared rambling things but I hung up the phone.

I walked for about an hour until I got to Wills house.

Hoppers police truck was in the driveway a long with Joyce's.

I walked up to the locked door and knocked.

Seconds later Hopper opened the door. He pulled me into a hug. I hugged back and pulled away.

Mike, Dustin, Lucas and Max sat on the floor and looked worried while Joyce sat on the couch with the same worried expression on her face.

"Is will alright" I spoke up. All the heads dart(ed) my way. Everyone ran up to me and hugged me while Mike stayed behind them.

"We missed you so much" Dustin said as he gave me a hug.

I walked up to the quiet mike and pulled him into a hug. He was hesitant to hug back but he did.

"I'm glad your alright" he said and I nodded into his chest. We pulled away still looking at each other in disbelief.

I felt myself kiss him. But he didn't kiss back. "What's wrong" I said as I pulled away.

"Its nothing " he said.

I glared at him. "You lie" I mumbled.

"I'm not lying" he said as he broke away from the hug.

"This is about y/n, isn't it" I said he froze for a second and shook his head.

"Hey, where is y/n" hopper spoke behind me. I ignored him and walked away from Mike.

"Where Is She" hopper said as he followed me.

I closed my eyes and imagined home. She wasn't there.

I opened my eyes to see every one around me, including Mike with worry in his eyes.

"I-I don't know" I said

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