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•Jane/El's pov•

Fear struck in Mike and Hopppers eyes. "What do you mean you don't know, you were at home with her" hopper said.

"She's not there anymore" I said. Everyone was left speechless except for mike.

"Well is she alright! What even happened" Mike said getting louder with each word.

"I said I don't know" I said.

"We have to go find her" mike said as he got up from his spot. I stopped him.

"Mike I came for you, I've waited for you and all you care about is her, I miss our relationship Mike, and I know you still love me because I never stopped" I said as tears streamed down my face.

His hard brown eyes lightly soften. "El, can we talk about this later" he said.

"What if there is no later mike" I said. I searched his eyes for any type of sign, but nothing showed.

"We have to find her" he said and walked away from me.

I dropped to the floor and started crying. This hurt a lot. Mike doesn't even care about me anymore.

I heard myself let out a blood curdling scream. I felt a couple pair of arms wrap around me to calm me down. It sure did help because I stopped screaming.

Then a ringing sound echoed through my ears. It got louder and louder. I screwed my eyes shut and I seen the black void.

I seen the gate and it was more than open. It looked so hard to close this time. Instead of the bright orange it used to glow, it was a dark almost bloody red.

I opened my eyes and seen I was in the void again. I seen y/n on the ground holding her arm as she cried.

Demogorgons surrounded her as they kept growing at her. She soon let out the same scream that I did a little while ago. I ran up and tried to wrap my arms around her but she disappeared.

I sat on the floor as blood and tears streamed down my face. "Y/n, where are you" I said in my head praying that she would answer back.

"School" was all I heard in my head. I opened my eyes and gasped for air. "She's at the school" I said.

Mikes head snapped towards me and back at hopper.

"Not safe" I heard in my head again.

"We're coming to help" I said to her.

"I love you and everyone else" she said and I started to panic.

"Y/n....Y/N!" I said in my head.

"Hurry" I told Hopper.

"Ok first we need a plan" hopper said and everyone gathered around him.

"I, el and Mike go look for y/n..." hopper said before he was cut off.

"What about the gate, if we don't close it that thing can get in side of will or anyone else" Joyce said.

"Your right, I'll take El to the Lab and you guys just stay here..." hopper said before he was cut off again.

"So we're just gonna leave y/n at the school to die" mike said as he grew angrier with his words.

"Mike your not listening, everyone is in danger right now, if we don't close that gate then hell will brake lose" Hopper said.

Pretty soon mike was fuming.

"Are YOU LISTENING, Y/N IS PROBABLY DYING RIGHT NOW AND NO ONE CARES" he yelled looking around at all of our faces.

"Get that gate close" Mike said to me he pulled his jacket over him and walked out with Dustin, Lucas and Max following after him.

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