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"I want to apologize" Mike said as I went to go back into my house. I turned around to see eye to eye with him.

"Apologize?" I asked. "It means I'm sorry" he said as he walked up to me.

"I'm sorry that I've been so mean to you, it's just that I have trust issues and after what happened to Will and El, I don't want it to happen to anyone else" he continued.

I nodded. "Do you forgive me?" He asked.

"Forgive?" I said. I hate not knowing what most things meant. Before I moved with mama she said that I was really smart, now I don't even know the meanings to small words.

"It means will you stop being mad and we be friends again" he said.

"Oh, I forgive you" I said. He smiled and went for a hand shake as I went for a hug. We both changed into what the others we doing.

Now it was awkward

We both lowered our arms as I felt the heat on my cheeks. I also felt my stomach tingle. I wasn't hungry or anything.

Why do I always feel weird when I'm around Mike. But I kinda like the feeling.

"What are you thinking about" he asked. "I feel a tingle in my stomach when I'm around you" I said.

His cheeks reddened too. I brushed my thumb against his cheek. He rested his hand on mine.

Our faces inched closer as our hands dropped.

I think we're about to kiss, Wait he's dating Jane. This isn't right, I think

Our lips brushed against each other. I heard mamas car pull up in our drive way. We both pulled away.

"Um, I, um I'll see you around y/n" He stammered out. I nodded as he rode his bike down the street.

"Who was that boy" mama said as she walked up to me.

"A friend" I said.

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