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"Is this me" he asked picking up the journal. I shyly nodded. "This is cool" he said looking down at it.

"You keep" I managed to get out. He looked up from the paper and smiled. "Thanks" he said as he tore out the page.

"So you and 011 are sisters" he asked. I nodded. "Shes my girlfriend" he said. I gave him a confused look.

She's a girl and he's her friend so that would make her his "girlfriend". Wouldn't that make max his girlfriend too, and me.

"Do you know what a girlfriend is" he asked and I nodded my head proudly.

"Jane and Max and I" i said. He awkwardly pursed his lips together. Maybe I don't know what's girlfriend is.

"A girlfriend is a person who you love and you stay committed to each other" he said. "Committed?" I questioned.

"That means in a relationship, that's when you spend time together as a couple" he continued.

"Oh I've never felt love" I said. He gave me a look of sympathy. "Hey were friends now and friends love each other" he said putting his hand on my shoulder.

I felt a tingle when he touched me, however I didn't want it to stop.

"Mike did you find her,over" I heard a voice say. I jumped away and looked around the room. "Spy's?" I said shuffling things around.

"No, it's Lucas" he said pulling out this weird box with a long thing coming from it.

"Is he ok" I said snatching the box from his hand. "Yes, this is a walkie talkie, you use it to talk to people" he said.

He held down a button. "Yes she's save, over" he said. I was mesmerized by it. I held down the button and brought it up to my mouth.

"Mike why are you breathing into the walkie talkie, over" Lucas said. "It's not me, it's y/n" Mike said.

I gave him back his walkie talkie. "I should get going but you know you can come over to my house anytime you want" he said I nodded.

With that, he climbed out my window. I went to the mirror and noticed how red my cheeks were. I don't know what that's called but it happens a lot when mike talks to me.

I guess it's true that you learn new things everyday. I learned two.

What a girlfriend is and Friends love each other.

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