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Y/n pov

When we walked into the building, everything felt familiar but I've never been in this building before.

El was clearly mad at me. She followed close behind Hopper leaving me behind. I felt bad. I knew she did love him and now he loves me.

I tried talking to her in our heads but she ignored me.

Hopper guided us to this elevator thing. He stood between El and I.

"I don't know what's going on between you guys, but you need to get over it and help save the world...again" Hopper said and reloaded his rifle.

El let out a furious huff. "I'm not friends with liars" she said.

"And I don't need her help with anything anymore, she's not a sister, sisters don't stab each other in the backs" El continued.

Those words hurt me really bad, and she didn't care. I felt the tears run down my cheeks. "I didn't stab you in the back El I-"

"MIKE WANTS YOU AND NOT ME ANYMORE, he broke up with me for you" El screamed at me. Tears were also running down her face.

"You already kissed 2 boys in the group, and one of them had a girlfriend, what's next, you take Lucas from Max?" She said.

I started not to hear anything else she was saying. Everything came to a blur as we were face to face with Gate.

Fear washed over my guilt felt body as I stared at it.

El continued to yell her feelings out but I couldn't hear anything. Hopper nudged her and told her some words, she nodded and held her hands out.

She was struggling and it was draining her power. Hopper shot some of the Demogorgans as I watched.

El looked like she was in a lot of pain. I finally broke out of the shock that I was in and held my hands up along with El.

Pretty soon I was in pain with her. It hurt really bad. I felt blood come from my nose and eyes. I was being lifted in the air as Jane was too.

I felt all the memories flood back into my brain, from when I was a baby to where I am now.

I seen myself being... tortured. Being thrown into rooms and not being able to get out for long time or seeing machines hooked up to me as I was screaming in pain. I then seen my self let out a blood curdling scream as I clenched a gown around me. The room began to shake and concrete and cement cane undone from the building. I fell to the floor as I held my head and continued to scream. That was the night I lost my memory. The night when the gate closed and I almost died.

Then realization hit me. I could die tonight. 

I started fighting back the pain by yelling. It started to close the gate faster and faster. My whole body started tingling but I was still in pain.

The gate soon closed and I felt my body hit the ground.

Then I blacked out.

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