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•Mike's Pov•

I regretted as soon as I pushed Will. After everything that he's been through, I start yelling at him about el.

I have to admit, after one day at being at our school, she's already kissed Will. I wasn't upset or anything but I feel like she will cause us trouble.

I felt my coughing uncontrollably. Everyone's head darted to the girl that was exposed. She had her hand out as blood stared to come from her nose.

Everyone yelled at her to stop and she did. "What the hell" I said struggling to breathe.

"Friends love each other, your not friend" she said. I seen El give me a worried look and that soon changed when y/n turned to look at her.

El could kill y/n in a heartbeat, even though they were sisters.

"Friends Don't hurt other friends" El said and she was right.

Y/N soon stared floating up in the air. She pulled out her hand and El dropped her right back down.

They both fell to the ground.

Without any hesitation, I ran to El with everyone following me.

"She's more powerful than I am" El said through her continuous amounts of breaths.

"Guys, she's about to pass out" Max said pointing to y/n. Everyone stared to leave El and walk to her.

She started screaming. We all covered our ears except El. Dustin touched her shoulder than she disappeared.

"Not Friends" Echoes through my head, and I know that I'm not the only one who heard it because everyone but Will made a scared face.

"I told you, she's dangerous" I Said helping El up to the ground.

"Are you fucking serious!" Dustin said. "She was protecting Will from you" Lucas said.

"Ok that didn't give her a reason to make me choke myself!" I yelled at them.

"And she hurt El" I said while rubbing her back.

"Because you hurt Will and you know they have some sort of connection" Lucas said.

"It was self defense, I mean what would you do if you started floating in the air" Dustin said.

I pursed my lips together.

"Now she doesn't think we're her friends anymore" Max said. Will sat there looking at the spot that y/n was previously at.

"Will I'm sor-" I said before he cut me off. "If she's not in the party, then I'm not either" he said and got on his bike.

Everyone called his name but he kept peddling. Dustin, Max and Lucas got on their bikes and went after him.

El's soft crying played next to me. "Sister" she kept repeating while crying.

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