Chapter 1 - I'm Home!!

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Finally my brother, Louis Tomlinson, is coming home. After his tour he'll be coming straight here.  And at last too! I don't think I can't live with my parents any longer. He's always been my shoulder to cry on and I feel like I can tell him anything. But he's a little to protective, because of him I've NEVER had a boyfriend before. Well atleast not with him knowing.

*Ding Dong*

I rushed to the door practically running over my mom and opened it to a familary face.



When I pulled away I noticed my brother wasn't alone. Four beauitful boys also welcomed me in a less friendly way, with just a handshake.

There was a blond haired one, who had the most cutest Irish accent ever! Next to him was a dark haired one with tan skin, who had the most beauitful deep soulful brown eyes. A curly haired one, who seemed to the hottest dimples I had ever seen. And another one.....

None really were HOT HOT... Except for the last one. This tall, dark haired stranger who seemed to have the nicest, most sweetest personality was, well let's face, handsome. 

Louis himself seemed to fancy one of them aswell. The curly haired one. What was his name again? Larry? Perry? Harry? HARRY! That's it!

See, I know my brothers band is One Direction. Their music is decent, voices are better than average and they're attractive but still. I'm not a thirteen year old girl who obesses over them. Honestly I've never really cared that much to know any of there names except my brother. 


Hope you guys like it so far..... (: 

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