Chapter 16 - April Fools!!!

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                                                            Emma's P.O.V

The doctor turned to Zayn's parents with deep sorrow hidden in his eyes and said.

" Mr. and Mrs. Malik, I am very sorry for the tragic news but I'm afraid it only gets worse from here-"

My heart pounded out of my chest as I soaked in the news that was about to hit me.

" I am afraid that your son, Zayn Malik will not make it."

The room was dead silent. If you dropped a paper clip, you would be able to hear every detail of it bouncing on the floor.

" I don't un - der stand?!" Mrs. Malik was choking back tears.

Even I don't understand what I just heard.

Zayn Malik will die.

A smile crept up on the doctor face, he and Zayn started laughing their butt off.


I didn't know whether to laugh along or punch the doctor in the face.... I have to give them credit though, it was April Fools and they totally caught me off guard.

" We got you guys good!" I heard Zayn say with a raspy voice.

"So my son's okay?!" Zayn's mother was still choking back tears but she had a hopeful twinkle in her eyes.

"Yes mom! I'm fine! The doctor said I can go home tomorrow." Zayn still looked like a monster but had his personality. I was so happy that my boyfriend was okay!

"Yes so just like your son said you can go home, Zayn will be able to come home tomorrow." The doctor now had a childish smile plastered on his face.

After hugs and goodbyes, we got in the car and made our home.

I cuddled into Louis arm and fall asleep.

I woke up to hear a beautiful singing voice echoing in my ears, and I found myself in my room.

"I'm broken

Do you hear me I'm blinded

Cause you are everything I see

I'm dancing, alone

I'm praying, that your heart will just turn around
And as I walk up to your door

My eye turns to face the floor

Cause I can't look you in the eyes and say
When he opens his arms

And holds you close tonightIt just won't feel right

Cause I can love you more than this, yeah

When he lays you down, I might just die insideIt just don't feel right

Cause I can love you more than this

Can love you more than this"

I recognized it... Liam.

"How do you think she'll feel when you sing that to her?" I recognized that voice too. Niall! What are they talking about?

" I don't know. I just hope she'll realize that I'll love Emma more than Zayn ever will. I can feel in my heart... Kind of like when you eat Nandos! Your heart lifts up." 

Niall burst into laughter, and I couldn't help myself but laugh too.

Niall and Liam stopped laughing. I heard them get up and walk out of the room, they turned the corner and looked right into my eyes.

Liam was blushing like crazy and looked down at his shoes.

"Do you love me?" I started blushing 

"Yes I do.... I've loved you for so long, but I took to long and Zayn got you." I could see tears starting to form up in his eyes.

I looked at Liam then at Niall but his eyes weren't looking back, his were focused on the door frame. I turned to face it as well. There standing in the door frame was Zayn, my actual boyfriend holding back tears.

I forgot he was gonna come back today. His face was getting better, his eyes weren't black anymore and the puffiness in his lips had gone down. There was no blood on his face, he looked normal.

" Emma, do you love him?"

I looked at Liam then Zayn and eventually Niall. All were waiting for my answer. My heart was telling me Liam but my head was yelling Zayn.


What will Emma say? Stay tuned :D


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Also sorry for taking so long and the confusion... Yes Emma and Zayn are dating and the reason their in the hospital is Louis thought there was intruders but really it was Liam, Emma and Zayn talking, so Louis walked downstairs and hit Zayn in the face with a baseball bat :D

I Can Love You More Than This (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now