Chapter 20 - Happily Ever After.

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                                  *Note at bottom for future Fanfiction, please read*


                                                              Liam's P.O.V.

This was all to much for me to handle.

First, Emma was almost about to admit to having feelings for me.

Second, we cleared up everything and was just heading downstairs downstairs to chill but Zayn had to turn on his protective mode and get jealous.

And lastly, when Emma followed Zayn out to the backyard Louis had the nerve to tell me "to go to hell. And don't you ever touch Emma again." I've never heard him say that to anyone... Not to any of his friends and especially not to one of his best mates.

I was dumbfounded when he told me that... What the hell had gotten over him?

All this drama within a span of two weeks was insane. I needed a break and the first thing that came to my head was to jog, that always seems to clear up my head. And that's exactly what I told them.

"I'm going for a jog." 

"Why?" Niall looked at me with worry.

I decided there was no reason to lie and just reply honestly.

"I just, uh-.... I just need to clear my head alittle."

And with that I was off.


                                                           20 Minutes Later

My 'Jog-to-clear-my-head' plan didn't really work, because I thought of what Louis said and, of course, Emma, the whole time during my run.

'Go to hell. And don't ever touch Emma again.' 

It kept rolling in my head like a old movie.

Why would he say that? I thought we were mates. Best Mates, in fact! I just had my hand around Emma's shoulder! Did he like Zayn better than me? I mean, he was totally okay with Zayn and Emma going out, but when I just touched her, he got offended.

I walked in the front door dripping with sweat. I was expecting to see everyone but was only greeted by Niall and Zayn, apparently Cassie and Alexis had gone home, Emma was upstairs, and Louis was in his room

 I NEEDED to clear the confusion with Louis so I changed out of my wet sweats and into a pair of chinos and a Jack Wills hoodie. After I decided I was dressed better I made my way up towards his room.

I was about to open the door when I heard people taking on the other side. Call me crazy but it sounded almost like.... Emma. And Louis!

I couldn't hear much but I did hear most of the conversation.

"And to answer your question, Liam"

"Liam, what?"

"I love him, Louis." 

I couldn't believe it. Did I really hear that or am I just lacking too much air causing me to hear things that weren't even said?

"Okay... But what about Liam? You're going to be his fall back girl?!" 

I couldn't believe how wrong Louis had it. Emma wouldn't be my fall back girl, well at least not to me. Emma was so much more. She would always be my first choice no matter what.

I snapped back to reality and slowly creaked the door before hearing Louis say,

"Fine. Emma if you really love Liam... You show him. And prove that you love him more than any girl ever will. You show-"

Here was my chance.

"Emma doesn't need to prove anything... Because I love her for who is."

They both turned their heads in my direction. I looked at Louis and said,

"Lou, I'm sorry if you think that way... And how Emma would be my fallback girl, but I don't. To me she would my first choice till I die."

Emma was bashfully smiling and I had never seen a more beautiful sight. How did she was always manage to feel me breathless with something as simple as a smile. Just a simple smile and she lights up my world like nobody else. Yeah that's right! I just used lyrics from ' What Makes You Beautiful." 

"To me she would be the person that could make me happy in the darkest of times. The person that would make my heart erupt with butterflies with just one look. The person I want to wake up to every morning. The person I can cuddle with, while watching Toy Story and not be judged. The person that would be my favourite hello and my hardest goodbye. The person I simply can't live without."

I saw how I smile crept up on Louis' lips as he sighed taking in all that I just said, but I wasn't done.

"So she wouldn't really be my fallback girl. She would be Emma, the girl I love."

As the last words escaped my mouth, Louis sighed and slightly nodded.

"Fine Liam. You have my approval. But just know that if you ever hurt her in any way possible, I will hurt you in every way possible."

I chuckled and grabbed Louis, pulling him into a big hug. Louis always knew how to lighten up the mood, even if he threatens to hurt you.

We pulled away, and I turned my head to Emma. I opened my arms inviting her into my arms for a hug.

She didn't hesitate and ran into my arms practically knocking me over.

I inhaled her perfume - I know it sounds creepy, but I'm in love so don't judge- and vanilla immediately filled my nostrils. 

I pulled my head to look at her stunning features and placed her face into my hands. She leaned in, slightly brushing her lips above mine. I leaned in forward placing her lips on mine. Fireworks, explosions, and bombs went off when our lips touched. Even with the smallest contact, I could feel the breath leaving my body causing the head to feel light-headed. Our lips moved in motion, it was like dancing. 

"PDA!" Louis shouted from beside us.

I groaned and pulled away looking at Louis then Emma. She smiled slightly and whispered,

"This is my Happily Ever After."


Awwwww! Emma and Liam are finally together!!!! YEAH! Stay tuned for the epilogue :DDDDDDD

Guys, I would just like to thank everyone of you for staying tuned every chapter and dealing with my crappiness of chapters :') It brings a tear to my eye every time.

*Guys, thank you for all of your requests but sadly I could only pick one, so I totalled all the requests and these were the results :    ( I'm sorry if you are not happy with the results, I only did what was fair. I WILL EVENTUALLY MAKE A FANFIC  ABOUT EVERY GUY!)

In fourth place with only 7 votes was Mr. Hazza :(

In third place with 9 votes was Vain Zayn ( Sorry guys, Zayn doesn't get his happy ever after just yet)

In second, with 11 votes is Mr. Louis Boobear.

And in first, (drum roll please) NIALLER! With a staggering 13 votes!

Thank you to all the requests again and sorry if your guy wasn't chosen. BUT I WILL MAKE A FAN FIC FOR EVERY BOY OF JAUN DIRECTION :D

I Can Love You More Than This (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now