Chapter 8 - Who's Danielle?

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                                                                         Emmas P.O.V

Only to wake up to...

This week on Entertainment Tonight, Liam Payne and his girlfriend Danielle Peazer were spotted-"

I shout my head up from Liams chest and looked around. Everyone was sleeping except Niall who had his face in the fridge.

" Niall?" I started to walk over.

" Yeah?" He responded with chicken shoved in his mouth.

" Does Liam have a girlfriend?" I whispered to make sure Niall and only Niall could hear me.

"Danielle. Why? Oh my Nandos... You like Liam?!" Niall asked but making sure to whisper. And  thank Goodness for that because then Liam walked through the door rubbing his eyes.

" Have a good sleep?" Liam turned to Niall and me.

" Yeah.... Um Liam, who's Danielle?" 

Liam shifted his weight onto his left leg and looked down at ground biting his lip. 

"Shes my girlfriend and has been for almost 2 years now... She's REALLY nice! You two would be good friends!"

I doubt it ." I said under my breath.

What was tha-"

"BOYS! GO GET READY FOR TONIGHT!" We all heard come from the front door. I looked at Niall who replied "Paul."

"What's tonight?" I asked.

" An event thing. Not that important." Niall responded.

" Niall! We're meeting the Queen!" 

" Psssh! I'd rather meet the Nandos owners." 

I chuckled. Niall just cracked me up. Just then everyone else from last night walked into the kitchen. 

" Good morning sis" Louis said kissing my forehead.

" Well, we better go get ready for tonight." Said Daddy Directioner.

But it's at night and it's only 9:30 in the morning!" Harry replied.

" Go get ready Hazza." Liam said.

I followed the boys up to their room and trailing behind me was Alexis and Cassie whispering and giggling about last night.

Last it was me and Liam about to enter our room. Right when I was about to open the door to my room, Liam grabbed my hand and dragged me into his.

There I was. Face to face with Liam James Payne. I looked into his big, brown, beautiful eyes and could feel his hot breath trickle down my skin. Our faces almost touching, he kissed me. And I felt the world and time stop. It wasn't just any kiss. It was a long passionate kiss. One that could make your knees go weak, and my did.

Liam noticed that I was pratically falling down, so he picked me up and wraped my legs aroung his waist. 

Danielle. That was all I could think about. For bad she would feel if she found out. 

Now we were on the bed, and Liam had no shirt on. His hands around my waist and my around his neck.

Just then, we heard a knock on the door.

" Liam, are you in here?" I heard a girl voice. I looked at Liam.

" Shit... It's Danielle" Liam said looking at me.

Oh no...


Ohhh cliff hanger moment! Hahaha any way, thank you all for getting my story so far.

And please, no matter how bad my story is please it gives me confindence so please vote, comment and fan :) It would mean the world to me...

Love you guys :D

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