Chapter 11 - The Prank

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                                                                  Emma's P.O.V.

" Now it's just us alone..."

" Arrrgghhh!!" I screamed as I shot myself up from my bed.

' That was dream?! Ohh thank the heavens.... So was the kiss with Zayn a dream too? No it couldn't of been, somebody must of moved me from Zayns' bed to mine.' I thought.

I've never had a dream like that one. Not one that felt so real, and epically none with Joseph. Maybe it wasn't a dream. I could have been raped then put in my bed?

That thought sent shivers down my spine. 

I needed to get back to reality and calm myself down so I walked downstairs to find the exact same note as the one in my dream....


You looked so peaceful so we left you! We're off to go meet the queen but will probably be back around 12:00 am. Have fun!

Love, Louis :)

Oh God. 

I spun around to make sure that Joseph wasn't behind me. I pinched myself to make sure I was awake and not in another dream... That reminds of Inception!

I needed to get my mind off that so I made some popcorn, put in Inception and enjoyed the movie. 

The movie was almost three hours long so I wasn't surprised to hear the door bang open and find five boys walk in, when it was only the middle of the movie.

EMMA!!" They all screamed and jumped on me. 

" Guys! Guys! Please get off! You're crushing my boobs!"

I could hear Zayn and Niall laughing. Why was that funny? My eyes trailed over to Louis who was still on top of me. I pet his head and piratically him shoved off, because I couldn't breath.

So how was the queen?"

" Royal." Louis smiled cheekily.

I grabbed his head and pulled him into a noogie. 

" Look guys, I would love to chat-" Niall said " But I'm exhausted"

They all agreed and smiled at each other. It was weird. 

" What the heck is wrong with you guys?" 

" Ohh nothing sister. Why don't you just go upstairs and enjoy some slumber?" 

" Ahhhhhh I'm actually not that tired." I eyes fluttered between Liam and Zayn who were still smiling weird.

I walked up to my room, planning to try to determine if that was a dream or was real... Hopefully a dream.

About ten minutes later, I heard Niall calling me downstairs.

" Emma! Ohhh Emma! Come downstairs sweetheart!" 

They're drunk.

I walked downstairs to find no one. Was it my imagination? Everyone's a sleep? Aren't they? 

My brain stopped searching for answers when Niall, Harry, Louis, Zayn and Liam jumped out all from hidden places holding silly string cans! Oh no.

Do you know who hard it is to get that stuff out of hair? Well, it isn't fun.

Purple, yellow, red, blue and orange of silly string shot right at me.

I felt my face turn red from embarrassment. I wanted to punch each and all of them in they're pretty little faces. 

Louis, Harry, Niall and Zayn continued to spray me while Liam stopped. 

" Guys. Guys! That's enough! She's almost covered!" 

" That's the whole point!" Harry chuckled to Liam.

They stopped after about 10 seconds and dropped to the floor laughing. All except Liam. 

"Come on Liam! That was funny!" 

" It migt have been funny for you, but I'm the one who has to wash my hair out!" I shouted back to them.

They all stopped laughing and looked up at me.

I stormed up the stairs, with Liam chasing after me. What does he want? Atleast he stopped after a reasonable time.

I jumped into the shower knowing that they couldn't follow me in here. And let the warm water run down my face. It took me about 30 minutes to clean that stupid stuff out of my hair. 

I walked outside to be face to face with Liam. 

" Follow me."

I did as he told me and walked into his room. 

" I'm so sorry about that. It wasn't supposed to be like that. Just a little and then we would stop! I wasn't even for it in the first place! I'm so sorr-"

" Liam it's fine. They're just lucky I could wash it out.... If only there was a way to get them back."

" But I think I've have an idea..." His face so close to mine. I could feel his hot, comforting breath down my neck. 

He gave me a smile and moved in closer. His nose on mine and he told me his plan.


What's the plan gonna be? Stay tuned!!! :DDDD

Can I just begin to say how thankful I am of everyone who has saved my story to their libary, fanned, voted and commented! 

I Can Love You More Than This ( Liam Payne) has reached 8,000 reads!!! If it hits 10,000, I'm totally gonna fangirl....

Anyways, please continue to read, comment, fan, and please vote! (: 

I know this chapter was long and boring but the next chapter will be the best so far! No jokes :D

Love you xx

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