Chapter 9 - My Mistake...

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                                                                      Liam's P.O.V

I kissed her... I finally kissed I person I think I am in love with. I don't care about Danielle I just needed Emma in my life.

And, to top it off, the kiss was magical. Deep, passionate, loving... Am I starting to sound like a girl? Who cares. I'm in love with Emma and that's all I could think about.

Emma, Emma, Emma.

" Liam, are you in there?" 

Suddenly my world and fairytale of forgetting about Danielle is done. And there she was just on the other side of my door, where Emma and I were cheating on her. 

The first thought that rushed into my mind completely fogging my brain from everything else was to tell her truth. Well that can wait. Right now either Emma or myself have to run and hide like hell.

" One Second Danielle!" I shouted " Just changing my clothes!"

Emma pushed my chest and I felt the electric shock run right through me... God she's magical. Once she pushed me off, she booked it under my bed. Just in time too.

" Hey Babe" Danielle reached out to my face and pushed the hair out of my eyes, behind my ear. I was sitting up now on the corner of my bed, and Danielle sat right beside me.

" Hi Danielle."

Just then I felt someone rub up and down on my leg. My mind raced all over from the electric touch. And then I knew it had, had to of been Emma. I haven't felt that way with any one but her. Not even Danielle.

" So why did you decide to visit?" I asked with the most interest I could force out.

"You wanted here? Right? Well that's what Zayn said. He told me that you miss me so much you cry and mumble my name in your sleep... But it's okay. I know boys and I know it's hard to admit that you cry. I'm here now babe."

Just then Danielle smashed her lips on my mine. What do I do? Do I kiss her? Do I pull away? I know Emma is probably watching or at least listening on us! But I didn't care about that now. All I cared about was, that bastard, Zayn. How could he do this?! He was obviously watching us and knew that I had kissed her and she kissed back. Jealously can make you a whole new person, and Zayn become a cocky one.

I pulled away after clearing my thoughts and looked at Danielle smiling half-hearted.

"Well let's go downstairs and thank Zayn." I said. Well he wasn't going to be welcoming my face but my fist instead. I thought I could count on him.

My mistake...

I stood up and walked out of the room with Danielle on my side, waiting to greet my.... Friend.

                                                               Emma's P.O.V.

My face steamed up. 

First, Liam needs to sort out his priorities. Was that kiss something or nothing because considering the way he kissed Danielle I would say it was nothing.

Second, he didn't tell Danielle. Sure I'll admit it's hard to break up with someone but he should not have been kissing me then.

And third, how could Zayn betray him like that.

I walked out of Liams room and made sure my coast was clear from Danielle and Liam. I walked into my room and someone else grabbed my hand. I think people like grabbing and pulling me into their rooms. 

But this I wasn't faced with Liam clothes, I was faced to Zayns bare chest. He was shirtless and let me tell you, he looked good. 

" Hey Emma."

Part of me wanted to push Zayn away and spit at him in disgust but the other part of me wanted to, well, lick his body.....


Kind of forgot to say something down here so here it goes.... 

Thank you all for getting my story to hit 2,000 READS AND COUNTING!!!! 

I know this chapter wasn't as interesting then the other one but what can you do....

It's getting there... Next chapter, you will be left with another cliffhanger and better then before :D


 Just ask if you would like me to fan back, becuase I will without hesitation... Unless I'm busy :D

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