Chapter 12 - Revenge!

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                                                            Emma’s P.O.V.

 He gave me a smile and moved in closer. His nose on mine, he told me his plan.

“ You want me to act what?!”

“Pregnant… With one of our babies… It doesn’t have to be mine. It could be Niall’s, Harry’s or… Zayn’s. It’s just a suggestion.... You call Louis and tell him!"

“ That’s….. GENIUS!”

Liam smiled with relief and sighed.

“Well it would only make since for it not to be you and be Niall or something. You have Danielle, and if she found out she would get mad. So..”

“ Emma, I broke up with Danielle yesterday after she came in and was all over me, she’s never been like that and I realised that she wasn’t for me. I also realised that some people, well someone in particular means I lot more to me than her.”

Who was he taking about? It couldn’t have been me… Right? I’m a no one. Not even pretty compared to some of the girls that are dying to even just meet Liam.

“So when is this plan going to come to life?”

“ How about right now!” Liam shouted without hesitation.

“ Alright..” I picked up my phone and dialled Louis number.


“ Um, Louis this is Emma. We need to talk!” Liam giggled with every word I said.

“What’s wrong and where are you?!”

“I’m at the hospital… I just found out something.”

“Oh my God. What is it?! Are mom and dad okay?! Are you hurt? Or mom and dad, are they okay?! Emma answer me!" 

 "I'm.. a- I'm..." I was stuttering like crazy. I just couldn't bring myself to say it. Not only would Louis kill me for this prank but Liam as well.

I looked up at Liam, he had a surprised look on his face.

' Answer the question!' Liam mouthed.

I shook my head. ' No..'

He shrugged his shoulders and lifted his hand basically saying ' What?!'

I can't imagine how mad I would be if Louis suddenly told me he was a father. I pressed " Hang Up" on the phone and threw it at Liam's bed.

" What the hell was that?!" I looked at the most beautiful brown chocolate eyes and melted. He would know if I lied so I told the truth.

" I know how upset I would be if Louis called and shared that he was a father unexpectedly. And this is a lot harsher then some little silly string.." My eyes started to fill up with tears. I didn't even know why. But Liam understood and took me in his arms, rubbing my hair.

" It's fine. It wasn't even for me, it was for you to get payback... We'll find anyway."

I smiled through the tears and pulled away. He pushed the hair out of my face and smiled

"Such a beautiful face for so much sorrow. Life is to short for you to be crying... Now come on! Let's go get coco." Liam smiled so big you could fit a whole car inside his mouth.

We walked downstairs. No one. I didn't even hear them come upstairs. I had been crying for quite awhile and they couldn't have come up but what about Louis? Wouldn't he be worried about my call? Nahhh it's Louis, he doesn't have a care in the world and he probably heard Liam giggling

I heard the microwave beeping and Liam walked in to the telly room holding two cups of hot coco, with that ridicoulsy smile on his face. He skipped over to the telly after giving me my hot coco ( and damn it was good!) holding a movie. He put it in and skipped over to the couch cuddling into my arm again with the crazy smile.

Just then, Toy Story 3 was playing on the telly. I giggled to myself and looked down at the sweet, childish boy that was still attached to my arm.

He looked up at my face and sat up properly, put his arm around my shoulder and snuggled me closer. He had put his coco down on the table beside the couch and lifted up my chin.

" That someone, that I will always need is.. You." He finished his sentence with a kiss. 

A sweet. loving kiss that actually meant something to me. I didn't have a single worry. Danielle, Louis or Zayn.

I guess we got a little to caried away because when I pulled away, someone was standing in the doorframe. It was to dark so I couldn't make them out.

" Well, well, well... What do we have here...."


I totally forgot to put something here.... But here it goes!

Please stay tuned to find out who the mysterious character is :)


Please continue to read, comment, vote and fan!

And I won't take as long as I did to write this chapter... Sorry about that :)

Love you!

Well anyway, thank you soooooooooo much love you all! 

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