Chapter 21 - Epilouge

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                                                                        Emma's P.O.V.

"Liam! Can you put away the dishes!" I shouted at my husband who was playing with my childern, Miya  who was 8, and Finn who was just about to turn 6.

He looked up at me with big, puppy dog eyes and pleaded,

"But babe. that means I'm going to have to touch those demonic spoons."

I chuckled at his bizarre fear. Yep, my husband was terrified of spoons.

I finally gave in, "Fine, I'll do the dishes but you have to vacuum. They're going to be here soon."

He smiled at my response and ran to go get the vacuum. 

It would only be three hours in till Louis, Niall, Zayn and Harry all came over with their wife's. And about time too! I would finally be able to see my girls. You know, after having two kids, you start to crack... And I was just about to, so I convinced Liam to invite his old mates and bring along my girls.


"Eleanor!" I screamed as Louis and his wife Eleanor walked in the door. I gave her a bear hug and pulled away to see my brother staring at me, with a death glare.

"Nice to know Eleanor means more to you than your own brother." I chuckled and pulled Louis into my grasp. I pulled away to another doorbell ring, opened it to my guy best friend, Mr. Niall Horan. Around his arm was my girl best friend, Mrs. Alexis Horan.

After more and more people started to pour into Liam and my house, I realised that Zayn was still yet to come. I turned to Liam and whispered.

"Zayn still isn't here... Are you sure you invited him?"

"Yeah babe, just don't worry. Zayn is just trying to be fashionably late." Liam flashed me a cheeky grin and kissed my cheek. I smiled in his arms.

"Go get a room!" I laughed as my brother pretended to hide his eyes in Eleanor's arm. Eleanor laughed at my brother's immaturity and pet his head.

"Ohh, my husband." I laughed at her sarcasum. My head shot up off Liam's shoulder when the doorbell rang. I ran away to the door, to be greeting my ex-boyfriend almost 8 years ago but now happened to be one of my closest friends. 

There standing with him was Perrie, his wife. They both flashed me a 'Hellooo!' smile as I let them in. Perrie practically grabbed me squeezing me in her arms in till she let go. Zayn looked at me smiling. He broke the silence as he leaned forward to hug me, I didn't hesitate and wrapped my arms around his neck.

We broke apart when I was greeted there kid, Patricia, a 4 year old named after Zayn's mother. She was adorable. Big brown eyes, obviously from  Zayn and light brown hair, from Perrie.

We returned to the others and talked about everyday things including, our kids, Liam and mine were Miya and Finn. Zayn and Perrie were Patricia. Niall and Alexis had Josh and Emma (named after me!) . Harry and Cassie had Ed, Lexi and Tom. Louis and Eleanor had Nathan, Bella and Daniel. We also talked about the boys past as One Direction.

Liam had his arm around me the whole time, never leaving my side.

As all of our kids played, we shared moments from our past that, our kids, will be soon able to understand and tell their own kids one day. But for now they remain our memories that brought us all together.

As our life continues, it leaves us all with memories that make us... Us. Memories we will never be able to loose, nor forget. And I don't think I will ever want to forget them.

I smiled at Liam and placed my lips on his soft, tender ones. I pulled back at his stunned, questioned face and I just giggled.

"What was that for?" He smiled.

"I just love you."

He smiled and kissed me one more time.

" I love you too. So much." His eyes stayed on mine. I felt as if the world stopped and crumbled around us, I would stay safe in Liam's secure arms, looking into his big, chocolate eyes. I smiled in his gaze and leaned my head on his shoulder once more, loving every minute of my life.

In this moment, I swear, we are infinite.


And just like that, I Can Love You More Than This ( Liam Payne) has ended. *Tear, tear*

But anyway, guys thank you for dealing with my terrible first story and thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for supporting me and getting me through it :') 

But to lighten up the mood, MY NIALL STORY WILL START SOON :D :D :D :D :D

PLEASE WAIT FOR "Experience Of A Lifetime" TO COME SOON :D 

P.S. I quoted the amazing book "Perks Of Being A Wallflower" ,by Stephen Chbosky in the end, in case anyone was wondering :) AMAZING BOOK.

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