Chapter 13 - Mr. Hazza

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                                                                 Liams P.O.V

Toy Story!! My favourite movie with my favouirte girl! Am I sounding to girly?

I made my legendary hot coco and snuggled into Emma's arm, causing her to giggle. I took that as an chance to look into her beauitful, stunning face.

I sat up, put my hot coco down and made my move.

I brushed her soft lips on mine and connected them together.

The kiss sent an electric shock over every single place in my body. My arms tingled as goosebumps started to form on my arms. She pulled away gasping for air and held my face in her hand, and kissed my nose.

" Well, well, well... What do we have here?"

I was startled by the voice and darted my head to that direction. Just as a assumed.

Mr. Hazza Styles.

He was leaning on the door frame and had his arms crossed with a cheeky smile printed on his face wearing cat pajamas.

Emma immeadiatly started blushing shyly. I took after her actions and started blushing as well.

" Hey Haz... What are you doing up this late?" I chuckled nervously.

" I could ask the same for you!" His eyes flickered from me to Emma.

I stood up and did my handshake with Harry. I come back face to face with him.

" So... Does Louis know that you guys are official?" 

I was probably blushing like a tomato.

" We're a- We're not dating! Ahaha. Not us..." I stuttered.

Harry was laughing his butt off.

" Harry shut up! You'll wake the others!" Emma whispered loudly to make sure to be quiet but loud enough over his laugh.

He stopped and looked at us.

" Go on then... Ask her out! We all know you want to, Liam!" Harry pointed at Emma but kept his gaze on me.

I looked at Emma then at Harry. Breath Liam! Just ask her. You've been waiting to long now! Almost a month you've had to look at her and know that she isn't yours! Just do it Liam!

I turned to Emma, walked in close and grabbed her hands.

I tried to talk but my mouth was dry. I swallowed a big gulp and said it.

" Emma Tomlinson. We've known each other for quite awhile now. I've been wanting to ask you this for a while now but just didn't know who to say it-"

With every word I said, I could hear Harry giggling.

But Emma she had a different facial expression.

She was biting for lip and was looking down. I pulled her face up and saw sorrow written all over her face.

" Emma, would you like to go out with me?"

I smiled and lifted her face again.

" I... I ... I can't." My heart dropped.

" I'm dating someone else... I'm so sorry."

My mind searched for words. Who?! When?! Why would she kiss me?! Was that just from her will?! I mean, did she even mean to kiss me?! Did she want to?!

My throat  was dry but I managed to blurt out three words.

" Who is it?!" 

" Umm......"


Who's Emma dating? Stay tuned for the dramatic twist :D


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