Chapter 17 - The Truth Hurts.

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                                                            Emma's P.O.V

"Do you love me?" I started blushing 

"Yes I do.... I've loved you for so long, but I took to long and Zayn got you." I could see tears starting to form up in his eyes.

I looked at Liam then at Niall but his eyes weren't looking back, his were focused on the door frame. I turned to face it as well. There standing in the door frame was Zayn, my actual boyfriend holding back tears.

I forgot he was gonna come back today. His face was getting better, his eyes weren't black anymore and the puffiness in his lips had gone down. There was no blood on his face, he looked normal.

" Emma, do you love him?"

I looked at Liam then Zayn and eventually Niall. All were waiting for my answer. My heart was telling me Liam but my head was yelling Zayn.

" I did.... Alot. But just like Liam said, he took to long."

Now Liam's eyes started watering. Zayn engulfed me in a bear hug kissing my forehead, cheeks and nose.

Did I just lie to save my relationship with Zayn? No! Emma, you love Zayn! Liam can go crawling back up to Danielle.... I'm sure she'll say yes.

Niall put his arm around Liam's shoulder and dragged him back to his room, where he slowly shout the door.

"Emma-" Zayn placed my face in his hands and said " You are the most sweetest, honest-"

I'm certainly not honest.

"beautiful and caring girl I've ever met. And I love you too, so much!"

A nervous chuckle escaped my throat. My mind was clouded with thoughts between Zayn and Liam.

I never really said that I loved Zayn... Right? I only said that I had loved Liam. Did I even love Zayn? I mean his sweet, and gorgeous, but Liam was everything.

Still in Zayn's grasp, I turned my head causing Zayn to let go and looked at the time, 12:34 p.m.

I heard Louis call us all down for break fest.

Zayn wrapped a strong arm around my shoulder and we walked down the stairs.

There waiting for us was my two best friends, Cassie and Alexis, my brother and his fake boyfriend Harry and burnt food.

"Thanks  for the burnt food!" I smiled at my brother.

" I told you him to let me cook but NO! Louis insisted that he cook." Harry pouted while munching on burnt toast.

I giggle escaped my mouth while I took my seat.

Niall eventually joined, but Liam wasn't by his side... In fact Liam never came down.

"EWW! I can't eat burnt food! Who wants Nandos?!" Niall screamed. I shot my hand up and looked around me. Everyone but Louis was raising their hands.

"The food's fine!" Louis shouted back defensively.

"Okay! Since Louis argument is invalid, I'll go get Nandos!" With every word Niall said, he inched closer and closer to the door.

"Not so fast, leprechaun! Were's Liam? He usually goes with you to Nando's!" Harry shouted as if he just came into the conversation.


"He;s uh- He's uh.... He's sleeping!" Niall said on top of his head.

Harry nodded, not satisfied with his answer and got up. He walked over to the blond Irish and just stared at him in the eyes intimidatingly. Niall eyes started watering from the pressure.

I think Harry was satisfied with his work because he backed of and crossed his arms on his chest, smiling a cheeky grin.

" He's crying because of something someone said...." Niall said while looking at me.

"WHAT?! No hurts our little Liam! Who ever made him suffer will die!" My brother said standing up from the table.

If only he knew that that would mean killing me...

" WHO IS IT?!" Both Harry and Louis screamed at Niall.

My heart pounded as sweat started to drip down my head. I looked at Niall who was looking at me, I ever so slightly shook my head indicating " No. Don't tell them!"

" I have no idea..... He just started crying and came into my room.... He never told me." Niall never 'liked lying to his best friends, and I was VERY thankful of what he just said.


What a day! From beside's from all that drama, Niall and I went to Nando's only to come back to Louis and Harry planing a murder for the person that broke Liam's heart.

I thanked Niall numerous times on our way to and from Nando's for the lie. I also asked him what Liam said but he didn't answer me.

We returned home and let's just say.... I'm kind of scared for my life.

"You like it sis?"

A small smile crept up on my lips as I nodded slightly. I bent down and looked at their plan.

1. They were gonna invite me over.

2. They were gonna poison my tea

3. Then dispose of my body somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, so it can be eaten be sharks.

4. Then tell Liam.

5. Then tell my family.

Great! My brother had a plan to kill me when he found out broke Liam's heart.

"So, when should we tell Liam?" Harry smiled devilishly while looking at me.


" Tell him what?" I chuckled nervously.

Harry was now staring at me so intensely, that I could feel him burning my soul.

" You know what we want to tell him Emma. Sometimes the truth hurts."


 Do Harry and Louis know? And will their plan come to life?! Stay tuned!


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