Chapter 19 - The Decision.

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                                    *Author's Note On Bottom. Please Read*                                      

                                                               Emma's P.O.V.

"So Emma... Are you dating or what? You got feelings for Liam?"

Zayn stormed out of the room before Louis could even finish taunting me, walked over to the back yard door, and smashed it open and closed. He stopped in the middle of the yard and sat down in the grass intertwining his fingers in it.

I knew my brother was trying to get a rise of me and boy, did he. But first things first, I had to go over to Zayn.

I lmade my way Zayn towards the back door, slightly jogging over to Zayn and sat beside him. I carefully placed my head on his shoulder giving him a chance to flinch or move away, but he didn't. Maybe 10 minutes passed in till Zayn finally spoke.

"I know you like Liam,"

I was shocked being this the only thing he said the whole 10 minutes... I thought I was doing a good job in not showing my emotions, but then again I've never been good at it.

"I see the way you look at him... I way your eyes light up whenever you guys look at each other. Or the way a slight smile forms on your lips whenever he talks... I see it all. And I just just can't help myself but think that you guys- you uh... Damn it hurts to say this but you guys look cute... Together."

Tears started to form in both of our eyes... Was Zayn breaking up with me? Or did I manage that myself? 

"I also see the way he looks at you,"

That's when I figured it all out. Zayn wasn't saying this because he liked Liam and I together. He was saying this because of the way Liam and I felt about each other. Even if it was hard for him to admit, he could tell that there were undescribed feelings between Liam and I. Apparently everyone had.

"His big chocolate eyes glow with love whenever you walk into the same room as him. I've never seen him like that... With anyone. Not even with Danielle. Whenever we get close or even touch, jealously takes over his whole body."

Zayn only stopped talking to take a breath.

"I love you Emma... I really do. But Liam- He looks at you with every inch of love he is capable of. He looks at you with such feeling that, I could never feel. He looks at you with purely... Adorement."

I gasped as this last words left Zayn's mouth. I knew that his words would change both of our lifes.

Zayn took a big sigh and said, "I know you don't love me... But you love him and there's nothing I can do about that. I guess... Since I want you to be happy, I guess I'm breaking up with you. So go. Go get Liam before it's too late."

Zayn's smile seemed genuine even if it was a small one, but I on the other hand didn't have a small smile. I hugged Zayn at hard at I possibly could to the point that neither of us could breathe. 

He slowly pulled away holding my face in his hands. 

I kissed his cheek and whispered,

"I do love you Zayn. Just as a friend." 

"So let's keep it that way." He helped me up and protectively put his arm around my shoulder. We walked in side to be greeted by only Cassie, Alexis, Niall, and Harry watching The Vampire Diaries.

"Where's my brother?" I asked as I looked all around searching for him.

"Upstairs. And before you ask, Liam went for a jog... Apparently to clear up his mind." Harry responded waving his hand around his head to get the point across.

I walked out of Zayn grasp and made my way up stairs to my brother. I opened Louis bedroom door ever so slightly and made my way inside.

He was sitting on his bed squeezing the life out of a stress ball, while breathing heavily. His face was red but when he looked over at me, his face cleared up. I walked over to his bed cautiously. 

Before I even sat down on his bed, he spat words right at me.

"Do you love Liam or Zayn?! Or do you even love them at all? You better tell the truth. You know when I asked you if you liked Liam it was supposed to be a joke. I thought mom and dad taught you better than to juggle two guys at once."

I had never seen my brother like this. My throat started to close up and I practically had to spit out of the words that were lingering around my mind.

"Louis, I was never dating Liam and Zayn at the same time,"

He slowed the squeezing but was still visably frustrated.

"And to answer your question, Liam"

"Liam, what?"

"I love him, Louis." 

Louis face dropped and he took in what I just said.

"What about Zayn? Does he know?"

"Yeah he knows. I both decided the relationship between us is more platonic than romantic." Louis finally let go of the stress ball, obviously more relaxed than 5 minutes ago.

"Okay... But what about Liam? You're going to be his fall back girl?!" 

I had never thought of it  like that... Would I be Liam's fall back girl?

I looked at Louis clearly as confused as he was. He sighed and eventually gave up the tough brother bravado,

"Fine. Emma. If you really love Liam... You show him. And prove that you love him more than any girl ever will. You show-"

Louis was cut off by a voice in the door frame.

"Emma doesn't need to prove anything... Because I love her for who is."

We both turned our head towards door frame.

There standing in Louis room... Was Liam.


What will happen between Liam and Emma? Stay tuned!

Guys. You're amazing. OVER 300 VOTES :D AND 75,000 READS :D

I love you guys sooooooo much :')

Please conitnue to read, comment, vote and Fan!

 *Guys, I have some sad news. I Can Love You More Than This (Liam Payne) is sadly coming to an end... Probably about 3 or 4 more chapters.

Once it ends, I'm writing another fan fic about Niall, Harry, Louis or Zayn. YOU CAN CHOOSE! 



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