Chapter 18 - I Won't Give Up.

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                                                              Emma's P.O.V.

"So, when should we tell Liam?" Harry smiled devilishly while looking at me.


" Tell him what?" I chuckled nervously.

Harry was now staring at me so intensely, that I could feel him burning my soul.

" You know what we want to tell him Emma. Sometimes the truth hurts."

I shifted my feet and looked down at my shoes.  I still wasn't 100% sure if they knew about Liam and I.... Heck! I don't even think my brother knew Zayn and I were dating in till Harry told him.

"I still don't understand what you guys mean-"

"Forget it Emma! We know! We know that, the girl was you! We're not stupid." 

Oh crap.

Now both Louis and Harry were standing up surrounding me, leaning in closer every step they took. My heart raced out of my chest, while I was only able to blurt out one question that kept lingering around my mind.

"So, what are you going to do?"

A devilish grin was smeared across both their faces as Harry responded to my question.

"We're not going to do anything-" The smile was gone now as Harry's face was full with seriousness. 

"Then why did you make that whole 'Kill the person that broke Liam's heart plan'?" 

"Let;s get call it a little brother-sister scare." I could see Louis was desperately trying to hold a straight face in the seriousness of the matter, but his smile was visible.

Harry on the other was not smiling or hiding one; infact his face was dead serious

"What you're gonna do is, go upstairs and ask Liam what's wrong. You're going to comfort him and apologize."

"But I didn't do anything wrong!"

"Go Emma!" 

"Fine." I muttered under my breath.

I stomped upstairs, to make sure Louis and Harry heard me.

I quietly opened Liam's door, to find him lying on his bed. With his face buried in the pillow, he looked up to me. You could tell he had been crying for quite awhile. His eyes were puffy and red, while his nose was running.

He never sat up or anything. He just shoved his face back into the pillow. I walked over to the edge of his bed and pat his back awkwardly.

"You know Liam.... I'm uh - I'm really sorr-"

"Don't apologize, Emma." 

Minutes passed and any attempt at conversation was slim to none. I was about to give up and walk out when he started to move to sit up upwards, hanging his feet over the side of bed. He patted the spot beside and I graciously accepted.

He put his head on my shoulder and said,

"I don't even deserve someone as perfect as you. I mean from the moment we meet you, we all fall head over heels. Niall, Harry, Zayn and I. Zayn is one lucky guy." 

I felt tears roll down my arm as I looked down at Liam, he was crying again. 

"I really did love you Liam.... And I still do-" He looked up at me when I said that, and I could see his face light up with hope.

"I mean, you're one of my best friends..." I said, quickly recovering from my slip. He dropped his face back on my shoulder and I felt warm tears trickle down my arm once more.

What have I done? I mean... I do love Liam. More than I friend, and I needed to tell him that.... It's just, I need to tell him at the right time. Though, there's also Zayn. MY boyrfriend. He was perfect in everyway and made happy be compare. But I couldn't help feel as though this moment right now, with Liam against and the small contact of skin of our arms touching, felt to good to be true. I wanted this forever.

Jeez. Boys are ruining over my life.

I kissed his forehead and patted his back, and he looked up at me again with those gorgeous chocolate eyes... He truly was beautiful. Even while crying.

" I won't give up. Not now. Not ever."

I felt my heart contract at his words. Only then did I release the abnormal rate at which my heart was beating. I smiled and gave him a bear hug.

What a day....

I got up with Liam wrapped his arm around my shoulder with me clinging on to his waist and walked downstairs. 

I saw Harry and Louis grinning a smile that you could fit a whole car into, Cassie, Alexis and Niall giggling and Zayn fuming. I quickly let go of Liam's waist, knowing Zayn could break Liam in half right now, in his fragile state. 

I made my way over to Cassie and Alexis hoping to break some of the tension in the room.

"So are you and Liam... You know... Good?" Niall was looking at me with some much hope and promise, it took everything in my body not to run over and squeeze him due to his adorebleness. 

Liam and I both simultaneously answered "Yes".

I looked over at Zayn and still say the rage hidden behind his eyes. Why was he so jealous all the time? I can have friends without him fuming about us hanging out. 

Liam would never be that controlling.

I smiled st the thought knowing it was true in every aspect, just adding to the perfection of the boy.

And then when everything seemed to be cooling down, my idiot brother wearing his stupid goofy smile decided to jokingly ask the most awkward question ever asked by anyone.

"So Emma... Are you two going or what? You got feelings for Liam?"


Will Emma admit to having feeling to Liam?! Stay Tuned!

OMG GUYS! I fangirl everyday because of you guys!!!! ALMOST 70,000 READS AND 274 VOTES :D :D :D :D :D :D 

Love you guys! And please continue to read, comment, vote and fan!

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