Chapter 2 - Prince Charming

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I don't think I could be happier!

1. I'm spending the rest of my summer with my brother.

2. I might go on tour with him after the summer.

3. I get to spend the rest of the summer with those 4 hot guys!

" Emma, this is Harry," Louis states pointing to the curly haired one.

"this is Zayn," Referring to the black haired one.

" Niall," Louis say well pointing to the Irish one.

"And I'm Liam." The handsome says while kissing the back of my hand. I quickly pull away blushing . Dont judge my poor flirting skills, okay? If a beauitful guy kissed the back of your hand, what would you do? 

" Ohhhh, Liam's becoming more flirty than I am" says Harry 

" Shut up Harry. Go marry Louis! " Liam blushed

" Someday I will marry my boobear!" Harry said pulling Louis in for a hug. 

" Enough chit chat boys! Emma, why don't you go show everyone there rooms?" Louis said hugging Harry. 

" Sure! Follow me guys..." My eyes landed on Liam and Zayn, both staring at me hungrily. It was actually kinda creepy...

Running up the stairs I led Niall to his room that had it's own mini fridge full with every kind of food you ould think of. Led Harry to his room where my cat Richard Parker, who kinda looked like a tiger,  (if you get this joke, you are amazayn) was lying. Before I culd even finsh opening the door, Harry darted in the room screaming "PUSSYY CATT!'. That boy is strange. 

" Watch youself Harry!" Zayn screamed while helping me up

"Thanks.." I said. Damn. He was beautiful too. "Let's continue."

I led Zayn to his room that had a HUGE mirror with a whole collection of comic book and at last led Liam to his room ( That had to be right next to my room). In Liam's room, there was a whole collection of cartoon movies such as: Toys Story 1, 2, and 3, Pixar movies and Disney movies. 

Liam walked in and grabbed my hand leading to his bed. Sat me down and said 

"Emma would you like to join me while I watch Toys Story 1 ?" He said leaning down like a Prince Charming. 



Please rate and comment. I know it isn't that good so far but I'm lazy.

Ohh and I'll continue and make it better.. Just for you guys :)

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