Chapter 5 - Nice Surprise

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                                                                      Emma's P.O.V.

As I ran downstairs to find out what Louis wanted, I couldn't help think about why the boys were so nice to me. It's only the first day, afterall. Maybe their just being nice because I'm Louis sister...

" Yeah Louis ?" I shouted wondering around the house looking for him.

" In the garage!" I heard Louis shout.

Walking into the garage, I gasped.

There standing in front of me was my long time best friends Alexis and Cassie. Gasping for air I jumped in their arms screaming " GIRLS!! IT'S BEEN SO LONG!"

The reason why I hadn't seen them for so long was because after I found out that Cassie had started to date my brother, I'd gotten jealous because of the fact that since he was my brother, I thought he belonged to me and only me. I even stopped hanging out with them. Then Alexis moved away and I never heard from them again. That was 4 years ago.

I had missed them more than ever and had gotten passed the fact that Cassie and Louis were dating. I just wanted my girls back.

Hugging for more than 2 minutes Louis interrupted us.

" Maybe we should go inside it's getting dark outside. I'm kinda cold too" Louis stated while we started to pull apart.

" So Alexis, how are you doing at your house?" I said while walking into the house.

"Well, since I moved back here-


"Yeah my parents let me move in with Cassie, since they got divorced..." Alexis said while looking away. We could see she was uncomfortable with the subject so Cassie quickly changed it.

" So I heard you met the one and only... ONE DIRECTION!" Cassie shouted 

" Haha, Yeah" I said covering Cassie mouth. She shouted a little to loud.

" Could we met them?" Alexis asked excitedly. Which was kinda weird... Alexis has only ever cared about her boyband 'The Wanted'.

" Why? Who do you like?" I said nudging her shoulder.

" Niall..." She whispered so quietly I could barely hear her.

" Awww" said Cassie

" Louis would you do the honours and call your homosexual boyfriends down.

" Sure sis." Louis chuckled " BOYYSSS!" 

"YEAH?" I heard come from one direction (Hehehe)

" Could you come down for a second?" Louis shouted.

All of a sudden Harry, Niall, Zayn and Liam were racing down the stairs like wild animals and somehow managing to stop themselves right infront of us.

" Boys, as you know this is my sister Emma. And these lovelys are Cassie and Alexis." Said Louis They all shook eachother hand. As Niall pulled his hand out to shake Alexis hand both of them blushed, pulled away fast and looking at their shoes.

" Nice to meet you..." Niall said.

" The same goes for you."

" Well why don't we end the night with a movie! Any requests?" Asked Louis and knowing my brother he'll vote for the funny one.

" I vote for scary!' Said Niall

" Me too" Zayn voted

" Agreed" Cassie said

"Well I guess we're watching scary!" Louis said 

" It can't be to scary, Mom and dad would never allow it. " I stated

" Yeah but mom and dad aren't here they went to aunties house for the week" Louis said 

" So it's just us alone... " Liam said looking at me.

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