Chapter 7 - The Movie

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                                                                    Emmas P.O.V

" So it's just us alone..." Liam said looking at me

Ohh great. I absolutely am terrified of scary movies. If you look at the definition of biggest wimp, you will find my name Emma Tomlinson with my picture. Who ever I sit beside should be ready for my face in their shirt and a lot of hyperventilating.

" Which movie shall it be ?" Louis asked all of us.

" How about.... The Woman In Black" Zayn said in a very creepy tone

" Dun Dun Dahhhhh" Cassie joked

Dear Jesus why does it have to be The Woman In Black? I saw the trailer and my ovaries nearly exploded. This is gonna be a long night..

                                                                   Liams P.O.V.

" How about... The Woman In Black?" Said Zayn 

Yes! It's not that I particularly like scary movies but if I time it right I could sit beside Emma. And from what Louis told us about her she hates scary movies. Perfect!

"Well there isn't enough spaces on the couch so some one has too sit on the floor..." Emma said looking back and forth from all of us

I swear, she is a gift from heaven.

We all looked at eachother then looked at the couch. Next all I saw was everyone racing for the couch. I made it on the end of the right side.

Louis, Zayn, Cassie and Harry were stuck on the ground. But on the couch was Alexis, Niall and beside me was.... EMMA! 

                                                                 Emmas P.O.V

Well besides the movie at least I'm sitting beside Liam. And as the movie started I could feel his strong muscular arms brushing up against mine and knew I shouldn't be scared. Well, not with him beside me.

The movie continued and the more scared I got. Trembling in fear I felt Liam poke my shoulder.

" Emma I couldn't help but notice that you're scared... Why don't you cuddle with me since Niall took Alexis and Harry took Cassie?"

Following what Liam said, I looked over at Alexis and saw her sleeping in Niall's chest. I looked down and saw Cassie and Harry snuggling together. And even saw Louis put his head on Zayn's shoulder... Weird.

" Yeah sure." I relied to Liam.

I moved in closer and put my arm around his chest and felt his arm go around my back. 

In a very comfortable position and even forgetting about the movie I slowly drifted off into a deep sleep. But only to wake up to.....


Guys I would just like to take a moment to thank all you beauitful peps that continue to read my story and even how crappy it is :')

Love all you guys and please comment for anything, fan and vote.

Thank you all :) I will write my next chapter in 2 days because tomorrow I'm busy :D

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