Chapter 3 - Ruined...

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                                                                       Liams P.O.V.

" Emma would you like to join me while I watch Toy Story 1? " I said looking her deeply in the eyes. She was beautiful. I really wanted her to stay. With me. Forever

Did that sound creepy? That definetly sounded creepy. 

But everything does get ruined. And right when I thought she was about to say yes, Louis calls her down stairs. I swear, the next time I see that boy, I will sass him so hard.

" Sorry Liam. I would love to, but, as you can here Louis calling me. Sorry!" Emma said while she started to walk downstairs. 

Damn it Louis! 

I watched her gracefully go downstairs. How come Louis never told us he had such a pretty sister before? I wonder if she has a boyfriend. That could be the reason why she hesitated to watch Toy Story...

Or maybe she just doesn't like me.

"Liam can you come here?" Zayn called aand snapped me back into consciousness.

I walked over and said " What's wrong?" 

"You like her, don't you? Emma. Right? Yeah well good luck with that! Louis' is obivsiously going to  be protective of her and you should know that. Heck! He was even protective over Kevin!" Zayn says

"Who?" I ask knowing the answer just wanting to change the topic.

" You know.... the bird that-that Louis started to kiss in one of the video diaries... Never mind! But I know you like her because we all do. Niall, Harry, you and Myself." Zayn said smiling

'Shit!' I thought to myself. 

Not only do I have to fight off Louis but my best mates aswell.


Hope you guys like it so far! I know it's a little slow but it's getting there!!!

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