Chapter 15 - The Monster.

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                                                                    Emma's P.O.V

The awkward tension between all of us, was getting under my skin.

With Zayn's arm still around me, I manged to wiggle out it.


Eyes wide open, I stared at the knocked out, cold body next to me laying on the floor with his head busted open, mouth smashed and his eye was already turning black.

I looked up at the predator, to set my eyes on someone who I did not expect.... My brother.

He gasped and dropped to the floor beside the body, eyes filling up with water.

" Zayn! Wake up buddy!"

I guess I had blacked out because I woke up to find myself in a hospital.

I shot up from the surprisingly comfy bed and frantically looked around to see Louis  sleeping peacefully on the chair next to my bed.

I shook him carefully, not wanting to scare him.

His eyes fluttered open, and I was welcomed with a loving smile.

"Hiya sis!" The happiness in his voice was adorable! But does he not remember what happened last night? Where was Zayn anyway? Was he okay?  What about my mom and dad? Where they here?

A million questioned flooded into mind, and I think Louis noticed because he nodded.

" Zayn's fine... He's struggling. But he'll make it." I felt a sigh of relief run through my body.

" What about mom and dad? Are they here?"

" Of course they're hear, silly goose! They are just getting food from the cafeteria. Apparently they have pie, you know dad! He can't resist pie."


Just then my parents walked through the door.

" Sweetie!! We were worried sick about you! How do you feel?" My mother said while throwing her hand onto my forehead, to feel my temperature.

" I'm good, I'm good. I just want to see Zayn." I started to stand up from the bed as my mother pulled me back down.

" You never asked for my approval. I mean your father and I only meet Zayn once."

I could feel my face and cheeks burning up as my throat tightened.

" And we loved him!" My mother and father came even closer which was impossible and kissed my forehead. 

Louis, on the other hand, did something a little bit more his style and jumped on me, engulfing me into a bear hug.

"You'll love him sis! He's a great person."

I pushed him off and finally was able to make my way towards the door, with my family close behind me.

They guided me towards where Zayn was staying.

"Don't freak out."

Louis whispered in my ear as he opened the door for me.

I gasped at the once strong, protective, beautiful person, but that wasn't what was looking back at me.

Zayn's face was distorted.

His lips were  busted open, eye black as night. Bruises everywhere, from his forehead to chin, Zayn looked like a monster.

I slowly made my way over to his bed, trying not to wake him up but not being very successful.

" Hey Emma."

I jumped out of my skin as I looked up at the still life less looking body. Did it come from him? Then a smile creek out from the corner of his mouth.

His eyes were still closed and his voice was raspy and low. Nothing like his beautiful, soft voice.

I bent over and kissed his forehead and saw the smile return. Before I could do anything, I started to cry.

His facial expression didn't change but his hand intertwined with mine, causing me to cry more.

I started to wonder where everyone was. His parents, friends, Niall, Harry or Liam? Wouldn't they be here?

The door busted open as all of them walked through the door, holding... PIE! But, Niall had helped himself to two servings and was holding two plates with pie on them. Oh Niall.

They all stopped talking when they saw me.

Niall walked over, shoving a fork with pie on it, patting my head.

"It'll make you feel better! Food always makes me feel better!"

And in fact I did. Not because of the pie, but Niall and his cheerfulness. Niall could always make me laugh or even just smile when I was experiencing living hell on Earth.

 Niall was one of my best friends, and he knew it.

After swallowing the pie, I noticed that the Doctor had come in with them. Not holding pie and certainly not wearing a happy expression.

The doctor turned to Zayn's parents with deep sorrow hidden in his eyes and said.

" Mr. and Mrs. Malik, I am very sorry for the tragic news but I'm afraid it only gets worse from here-"

My heart pounded out of my chest as I soaked in the news that was about to hit me.

" I am afraid that your son, Zayn Malik will not make it."

The room was dead silent. If you dropped a paper clip, you would be able to hear every detail of it bouncing on the floor.

" I don't un - der stand?!" Mrs. Malik was choking back tears.

Even I don't understand what I just heard.

Zayn Malik will die.


Will Zayn Malik die?! Stay tuned!

I'm soooooooooooo sorry for not writing one earlier! My mom had suprised me with a monthly visit to my cottage.... Sorry again!

Anyway, Thank you sooo much for getting my story to 31, 000 reads and 143 votes :DDD I feel so special!

Please continue to read, comment, vote and fan! :)

P.S. I know it's a Liam Payne love story, but right now I want it focusing on Zayn and Emma because something dramatic is about to come! 

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