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James and Jaiden ran after the fast moving vehicle, while they ran, people started to hate them, throwing them things.

No one just liked them anymore. They were now hatred by the people in Arizona.

So they ran as fast as they could to catch up with the vehicle and ran away from the angry mob.

The Arizonian were holding knives, guns... Weapons that could harm. They wanted to end the lives of werewolves.

So there'll be no trace of them here at earth anymore. So this earth will be just a society of humans. No hybrids.

~With the two~

James and Jaiden kept chasing. But the speed of the vehicle increased, making the two tired and loosing energy.

Then, they lost track of the vehicle. They were beat tired. They were sweating even if the sun's already down.

They found themselves in one of the forest in Arizona. They may continue for searching them in the night, since thier visions are better than normal humans.

But they were tired, and could about collapse in any second, especially James, whose been running for hours straight.

James: Are you... -pants- Hungry?

Jaiden: -pants- No... But I'm thirsty -pants-

James: I'll find water, and will you try and make us a camp fire?

Jaiden: Yeah I can do that

James went a little far away from Jaiden, as Jaiden gathered wood at started a camp fire for them to keep them warm for the rest of the clear night.

Minutes later, James found a small pond as he called Jaiden. She drew closer and found there was a pond. She drank water in a wolf way. (Licking)

James smiled upon her, admiring how cute she was and embracing her true self and-

James: Gah!!

Jaiden: What is it?

James: S-sorry... A fly just pinched me

Jaiden: Oh okay.

As she continued to drink. She was one thirsty werewolf girl.

James' POV

What the frig. Stop day dreaming about her James! I know she's a werewolf and everything. But it's not like she'll like me back!

Were just best friends! And... I guess we'll stay forever like that...

Oh. Looks like she's finished.

Jaiden wiped her mouth clean, then we walked back to our camp fire.

Wewerent hungry at all. So we stayed up a bit to warm ourselves, and planned to sleep a little later.

Jaiden: Hey...

James: Hmm?

Jaiden: May I ask you a question?

James: Umm... Yeah, sure

I was nervous at what question she would ask me. I actually never liked surprise Q and A.

It just freaks me out and makes me jumpy and sweaty, and I dont like that feeling!

Jaiden: Someone told me... That you have a crush on me?

James: N-no?

Jaiden: Well that's good to hear. I knew you wouldnt like me back, cause I'm a... Freak

James: No you're not

Jaiden: Yes I am. What ever you think, you cant change what I think of myself.

James: O-okay...

I look up at the sky and saw the moon. I think it's getting late. So I told her that we could sleep now.

End of POV

The two slept on the leafy, crispy forest floor.

It was silent.

Owls and crickets played a peaceful song.

The breeze was cold, as it whispers through the greenery.

It made Jaiden shiver, and she made sounds with it. James noticed it.

James: Come 'er

Jaiden: W-what?

James: Just come 'er

Jaiden: A-alright...

Jaiden went near James, they he made a hand gesture telling her to drop down. She did what he told then James hugged.

Jaiden: W-what are you doing?!

James: Keeping you warm? What's wrong with it?

Jaiden: N-nothing...

James: Just go to sleep. I'll keep you warm

After that, he closed his eyes and made him sleep immidiately.

Then, Jaiden did got warmer. She felt warmer in James' arms.

Jaiden's POV

James' so warm! I... I dont know why. Why does it feel like we are supposed to do this?

Why doesnt it feel awkward? Why do I love it?

Love... Love it... Why? How? He just told me before, he doesnt have a crush on me.

Does he care me as a friend? Or something more? Possibly not.

I just dont know. Ugh... These questions will keep me up all night again. I dont want to deal with these right now~.... I need sleep~....

End of POV

Jaiden tired herself with over thinking, it made her sleep in James' warm arms.

~In the morning~

Jaiden woke up with no James by her side. She was a little bit upset that she didnt get to wake up in James' arms.

But atleast she enjoyed it.

She looked around and found James sitting there, he have hid his ears and tail already.

James: Morning

Jaiden: Morning

James: Well, better get up and hide those. We dont want to be searching with those exposed

Jaiden nodded in agreement as she hid them. Then they walked out of the forest to continue on their journey.

~Hours Later~

They have reached another town in Arizona. The town was quiet for some reason, they dont know why.

They know that this town was a busy as a bee. But looks like it isnt. Then people slowly walked out of their houses and buildings.

The people stared at them. Someone shouted "The wolves are here!" Then the two realized, everyone in Arizona knew what they are.

They ran as fast as they could to escape the town, but people were chasing them.

But since wolves are fast, and made the people tired and lost track of them...

The two panted and was relieved they werent caught and slaughtered.

If they were, no one could save their family, and that would be the end of them. Who knows what the capturer is doing to them.

Jaiden: P-people hate us!

James: I know. But we will make them see that were not werewolves. S-someday...

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