Suspicious Dustin

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The three were continuing walking around. Still in that same position. Jaiden was starting to get uncomfortable.

Jaiden: U-um.... Dustin, would you please let go of me?

Dustin: But you're so fluffy and warm!

Jaiden: P-please...

Dustin: Not unless you disconnect with that guy!

James: First of all, I have a name, and it's James. Second of all, she isnt comfortable with STRANGERS like you. So if you want to come with us, cooperate.

Dustin: Okay fine...

Dustin had let go of Jaiden, as Jaiden was still in her position, hugging James.

Dustin: Ohmp... I gotta pee guys. Will you wait for me?

James: Just hurry up!

Dustin: I will!!

As he disappeared moments later.

Then Jaiden looked at James, he blushed madly as he saw her paris brun eyes.

James: U-um... Hey

Jaiden: Hey... James? Should we really trust Dustin? He seems suspicious...

James: I know right? He looks like 17 years old, like you. But acts so childish! Do you know why? You're pretty smart when it comes to problems

Jaiden: Oh stop it you. You're smart too. But was that a compliment or not?

James: Maybe yes? Maybe not?

He smirked as it was follow with a snicker. Jaiden couldnt help but laugh aling with him.

Jaiden: I'll take that as a yes. But back to Dustin topic. I cant answer that. Is he um... A special person? (Hey guys no offense)

James: He doesnt look like it though...

In the middle of their conversation, they heard Dustin talking to himself. "Yeah yeah I'll help them"

Both of them raised an eyebrow. What does he mean by I'll help them? Is there an explanation to it? Or is he really that. Dumb.

Then they heard the bushes rustle, meaning Dustin's coming back. So the two immidiately acted like they didnt heard Dustin talk.

Dustin: Okay! Let's go!

~Hours Later~

Dustin kept having the urge to pee after every 40 minutes. Weird. Or is it really because his bladder isnt working normally?

Who knows.

So James and Jaiden had to stop for Dustin. Which made them very, very annoyed.

Moments later, Dustin came out of the bushes and he went to them, and said "Let's continue our trip!"in an enthusiastic voice.

~Minutes Later~

Jaiden: I'm hungry...

Dustin: Oh! You want a candy bar?!

Jaiden: Um... Where did you get that?

Dustin: In my pocket? Where else!

Jaiden: Um... No thank you.

Dustin: You?

James: No thanks... Who knows what yoh putted it there...

Dustin: Meh! More for me!

The two gave the "what is he doing" look. They just brushed the thought off and continued to walk.

Then the two got bored, so they startef to talk.

Dustin: Ooo! What're you guys talkin' about?!

James: You wont get it

Jaiden: Yeah. Were talking about some memories. Just me and James

Dustin: I'm sure I can relate

James: I'm sure you cant

As the two continued their conversation. They'd exchange laughs, as Dustin's laugh would be heard. Like he could relate, and after him laughing, he's always say "Oh I can relate! ; I can relate on that too!! Haha!"

James couldnt do anything but to scratch his head of annoyance and confusion. With Jaiden on the other hand, she would facepalm and inside her. She was already screaming.

~Hours Passed~

The sun started to set. Crickets start to play. The temperature drops down as the sky gets to darken.

Before the sun's light disappears in the horizon, they startef to make a camp fire for the rest of the night.

Dustin just sat on the crispy forest floor, while the two did the dirty work for him. While gathering sticks, Dustin was telling them a story.

A story that makes James and Jaiden want to facepalm, roll their eyes, and bang their head on a tree.

Dustin were just telling random things, like how he fell of a tree and squshed a flower. How an ant bit him. And even him kissing a frog!

James: I uh... Dustin? Will you please save your voice for tomorrow?

Then Jaiden was giving him a "no" look as she approched him. Then she whispers

Jaiden: Let him be, he'll ran out of voice tomorrow since he's over using it

James: You're right!

James: Oh Dustin! Sorry about that but. Continue talking!

Dustin: Okay so before I lived in Antartica and my favorite color is-

This went on for good 30 minutes. The two were sleepy as they told him they should sleep. H e said "okay!" as he laid down on the forest floor.

~In the Morning~

The two woke up seeing each other's faces. It seems they've been hugging for the rest of the night.

They letted go of each other and blushed madly. Moments later, Jaiden noticed Dustin wasnt there.

She felt happy and at the same time nervous. She's happy because he's gone. But what if he's a real person and left them for a reason? And it's outcome is they will be both harmed. That's what's making her nervous.

She told James about this. As she just finished telling everything to James, Dustin appeared. It made Jaiden scream. Because Dustin was her worst nightmare.

Dustin: What? It's me! Dustin! You're buddy!

Jaiden: (O_O) What? B.U.D.D.Y? Buddy?

Dustin: Yeah!

Jaiden: I... Ugh... Since when are we friends?

Dustin: Since when I met you!

James: Um... No. You scared Jaiden, that's nor what "friends" do, right? What a great impression to make a friend, dont you think?

Dustin: I know right!!

James then face-palmed. He was being sarcastic, and Dustin agreed on that and didnt even said sorry to Jaiden.

James: Augh.... Let's just go.

He said seriously as the two picked up their backpacks and Dustin by their side.

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