I Will Love You Forever

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Jaiden started to tremble "W-what are you t-talking about?". Then she saw James pull out a light purple paper that is cutted into a heart. Stating "Will you be my girlfriend? I love you"

Jaiden froze. Not knowing what to say. "J-james... I--"

"I dont know." She finally said, as she looked away from him. She was about to march down the hill, but before she could, James grabbed her arm and said "Are you doubting that you arent enough for me?"

"Yes? No? Maybe? I dont know..." Jaiden said as she started to shake. Adrenaline rushed through her. Not knowing what to say. She felt like she was answering one of his teacher's oral pop quizzes.

James sighed and said "Jaiden. You're a beautiful woman. You're talented, you have an extreordinary personality and... You're just completely, perfect."

Jaiden shook his head, as tears rolled down onto her cheeks. "T-this must be a dream right!? Because no one would love me!!!" She screamed, as it echoed around them.

"Jaiden look at me" He said as James grabbed Jaiden's chin, forcing her to look at him. "What!?" She said, while sniffing.

"Jaiden please. Dont think of those horrible traits that you think you have them! Because they do not exist in you, please..."

With that. Jaiden wiped her last teardrop and hugged James. Then she whispered "Thank you".

After a solid minute of hugging, they let go of each other and she said "Yes. I'll be your girlfriend" with a smile.

James was overjoyed with it, that she lifted Jaiden from the ground and twirled her in the air. Laughs were heard around from the new, happy couple.

After minutes of laughing. James whispered to Jaiden "I will love you forever. And that's a promise". It made Jaiden's day, as she smiled even brighter than the sun and moon, altogether.

"And for you, I will love you for all eternity too" Jaiden said with a bright smile.

After James har proposed Jaiden to be his girlfriend, they went down the hill. But as they reached the foot of it, their friends were cheering and clapping. The two knew their friends were happy for them.

"Congrats Jaiden and James! I knew you guys would be a couple one day!" Tony said while clapping. The duo thanked them then "What about we go to the mall? My treat!" James said, as everyone cheered for them.

Along the way, Tim approached James and said "Woah James! You're with Jaiden! That's amazing! Though. I cant help but ask... How did it all start?"

James then told him the important details of how they met. Though he didnt mention the "werewolf incident" part. It was a forbidden story after all.

Tim was amazed by how they end up together. "Hey James? Do you think I'll end up with S-spechie?" He asked shyly. James then, pretended that he was thinking hardly and answered "Ofcourse! I think you guys will work out!". Then he thanked James and continued to chat other stuff.

At The Mall...


Heyyyy Spechie!" Tim started. "Oh hey Tim" she answered, smiling. "Thanks for um... Following what I said. If you havent, I dont think James can propose to Jaiden" Tim said, as he started to blush an unobvious shade of pink.

Spechie giggled and said "Double thanks!". Then Tim got confused, why double thanks? he thought. Then he asked why,"Well... That's the very first compliment I got from a real person to be honest" she explained.

"Really?" Tim said in disbelief. "Yeah..." she replied, a bit sad, but then her face lit up once again. Then they exchanged smiles.

"I ship it" Jaiden whispered to his new boyfriend. "I know right?" James replied, as he let out a short and quiet chuckle.

Before they have reached the department store "OMG GUYS, WAIT! I'LL JUST BUY FIVE LARGE JARS FILLED WITH COOKIES!" Tony screamed as he rushed into the bakery. "Um. I guess we can buy pastries" BlackSen said as everyone proceeded to the store.

Cypher and Spechie just looked around. Alex and BlackSen were with Tony, trying to stop him from purchasing more than 5 large jars filled with cookies. While the new couple were just looking around too.

"TONY JUST BUY 5!!" Alex said angrily. But Tony, in a cookie rush, cant help it. So he goes "NOOOO!! NO ONR SHALL SEPARATE ME FROM MY BABY!! I VOW TO MYSELF I WILL MARRY A COOKIE SOON!!!"

All of his friends started to laugh. He's quite funny if he's on cookie mode. But can annoy those people who's trying to stop him.

After all those shenanigans...

Tony ended up buying 10 large jars filled with cookies. Well if no one had stopped him, he'd end up buying 50 of them! Luckily Alex and BlackSen were there to convince him to buy lesser.

While walking towards the department store. Jaiden saw someone. It looked like "Dustin?"


Hey guys sorry for a short chapter! I tried for it to be longer by adding funny stuff in. Also the reason why its short or it didnt reach a thousand is because there's nothing much planned here but reveal what Jaiden answered!

Sorry for leaving you in that cliffhanger by the way!! XDD But hope you're satisfied with it!!! But I dont think you'll still be satisfied cause I LEFT YOU WITH ANOTHWR CLIFFHANGER SO HA! -cough- I'm good now! ^-^

Anyways guys that's all for now!


Total Story Words: 827

Overall Words: 922

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