Thy Shield

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3 AM

"Hey Isabelle, how's the operation?" A nurse asked ger fellow nurse "It went very well" as she removed her bloody gloves and washed it. "So... Any emergencies, Lisa?" As the nurse nodded sideways.

She nodded her head "Ah, I see" as she continued to wash her gloves. But moments later, flashing lights were seen, as the siren's noise was heard. Moments later, a bunch of nurses entered the building with a lady who is in labor.

After that stampede, there followed a blonde male, trying to catch up with his wife. But then he was stopped by a nurse to fill something up. "Sir, I'm sorry but you have to fill this paper up first before anything else".

As the panicked beta male hurriedly said "Oh yeah yeah, sure". He mumbled the infos one by one as he tried to write as fast as he could "Let's see, patient's name: Jaiden. Birthdate: September 27 1997... And then--"

Minutes, which felt like years, he finally finished the form as the nurse gave him a medical robe, gloves, hat, and a white mask. Soon, he was ready to go to the labor room.

But, he has to wait before anything else. Almost an hour of waiting, the male couldn't help but doze off. Since the stress that he took in, and the adrenaline his heart pumped. He was exhausted in simplicity. So his mind shutted his body down to recover.

Hours Passed

A female doctor woke up the sleeping James "Sir, are you Mrs.Jaiden Rallison's husband?" She asked kindly as thr male nodded sleepily  "Then, follow me". James stood up from his seat and followed the doctor to Jaiden's ward.

He entered the room and saw Jaiden's ruffled hair. You could see that she's been struggling for hours. James felt bad for her, since she struggled for hours alone.

The blonde approached her and said "Hey" as the noirette looked at him "Hey" she said with tired eyes, but she was able to give him a warm smile. "So... Where's the baby?" As he sat down on the seat that was near her bed.

"They're still washing him" she said, as her husband held her hand, the brunette looked at him "Hey... You did great" he said, as this made his wife blush and smiled "Thanks... Couldn't have done it without you".

After their chat. A nurse went in the ward with a cloth, that is wrapping a fragile thing. "Here you go ma'am" she said kindly as shr carefully transferred the one she's carrying to Jaiden.

They removed the cloth that was covering the fragile thing. Soon, it revealed their handsome son... Jake. His first response was such a cute smile, he then started to giggle.

"Aww! Look at you! You're such a ray of sunshine aren't you?" James said as the child held his index finger. The couple couldn't help but say 'aww' at his actions.

Then, James remembered something "So... Have you... Picked the right name for him yet?" As Jaiden's eyes shift from James to her child. "Well..." she started "I've been thinking lately and... I thought that Jake would be a perfect name".

Jaiden then looked at her son whose eyes are slowly closing for his nap. "I like that name" as he smiled. The couple smiled at each other, but then. Jaiden's face changed. As if she saw a ghost.

"What's wrong?" He asked, since he noticed the sudden change of emotion. She looked down and said "W-what if..." she stammered. "What is 'he' comes back?" As her has fearful eyes. She was surely scared of the consequences.

The beta male sighed "Jaiden... He won't come back. Because, for the past few months Jaiden. He never came back. You stopped envisioning of him right?"

"But what IF he just gave me a limited grace period? James... I scared. What if he does something to Jake?" She stated as her heart pumoed fast from the anxiety that her thoughts were giving her.

Her husband helf her shoulders "Jaiden. He will never come back. And if he did. I'll be there right beside you okay? Just remember, I'll serve as you and Jake's shield". Jaiden then felt safe.

She finally realized that, everything's going to be fine. There is nothing to fear since James' here to protect his family.



Hey guys! Sorey if this chapter is short, I don't want to ruin next chapter. But, heh, looks like another cliffhanger eh?

Am I killing you guys? Sorry about that! But I like doing 'em!




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