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Jake was now 3 years old and he was much aware now. He could think on his own, but still needs some guidance, he could walk, talk, and move his limbs and etc.

It is where he became aware of what are thingies poking out of his head and behind. One day, he asked his parents about it.

"So... What time is he going to the day care?" Jaiden asked as she was mixing something in the bowl. Which was salad, as that was her meal. But she was also cooking waffles.

James sighed as he placed his coffee down "Hmm... From what I heard, they leave at exactly 12 noon" as he sipped again, while he enjoyed the aroma that was dancing around the atmosphere.

Later on, little Jake appeared from upstairs. His hair was all fuzzed up, he was still in his blue pjs and he still has his favortie stuff toy cow and his blue favorite towel. "Mom..." he said sleepily as he rubbed his eyes.

"Morning Jay!" Jaiden chirped, while the dad let out a small laugh "How's my little junior doing?". "Mh... Sleepy..."he slurred as his head smashed to the table. But it wasn't too violent to hurt him though.

Both parents giggled, but at that time the noirette just finished preparing breakfast "Hey, wake up lil buddy" James whispered to his son, shaking him softly.

As he opened his eyes, his meal was already right in front of him, with syrup all ready scattered around his squared-food.

"Thanks mom" he said softly with a smile, as his little hands grabbed a fork and ate the meal right in front of him. But then, a thought hit him. "Mom? Dad?" He started.

They both stopped eating and all chorusly said "Yes?". Jake huffed as words escaped his mouth "What are these things that dangle from my head and butt? Why do I always hide them when we go out?"

James and Jaiden looked at each other. They have no idea if he's quite ready to face reality. But they knew he has to find it out one day. And that one day may be today.

"W-well..." Jaiden stammered, as she couldn't muster all the words up, and same goes to the male. But soon, he got all the courage to explain it to his boy "Well... You see Jake. Me and your mom are... Werewolves. We were cursed by some sort. So, we had to live with these kinds of features. Since you came from u-- I mean... Since you're our child, you'd adapt some of our features. Including those wolf ears and tail"

This made Jake drop his fork and this made his parents nervous. Questions like 'Is he mad?'. 'Doesn't he like the way how he was born?' But instead of hearing whining. All they heard were thrilled screams, it made they say "What?" At the exact same time.

"ARE YOU KIDDING?! THIS IS AMAZING! I DON'T KNOW WHY WE HAVE TO HIDE THIS BUT THIS IS SO COOL! WHY CAN'T WE SHOW IT!! WE BETTER SHO--" as Jakes was cut of by his dad, slamming his fist down to the table.

Of course, he shut his mouth that instant "I'm sorry son. But it's way too dangerous" he said sternly, as this confuses his child so much. "B-but... Why dad? Wouldn't people be happy to see some unique features on humans??"

"We. Are. Not. HUMANS" he shouted as this frightened him. Jaiden rushed by his side and told Jake "Honey, go upstairs" as Jake went upstairs with his towel and stuff toy.

With Jake

He locked himself inside his room and tears slowly ran down his cheeks. "W-why was dad mad at me? I was just asking why?..." as he started to sniff when a nose mucus came running down.

With James and Jaiden


James... Why did you rage?" Jaiden asked calmly. The beta male sighed "It's just... I'm scared if the history repeats again. What if we get in danger again because of these stupid ears and tail?"

"James... Stay positive! I'm sure we won't get any trouble" the noirette said as James smiled "Yeah... You're right" he replied while he agrees "Now... Shall you say sorry to your one and only son?" Jaiden asked as James stood up and went to his room.

As for Jaiden, she continued to eat her meal. With James, he knocked on the locked door "Jake? Open the door. Please?" But there was no answer. All he heard was objects clashing at each other. He knew he was in there.

He sighed and grabbed the key to his room. But as he opened the door "JAIDEN--" as the brunette came running up to the 2nd storey and saw James colors draining out of his face.

"What's wrong?!" She asked, panicked as she looked at where her husband was looking and saw that Jake was gone... "WHERE DID HE GO?!" The blonde male asked.

"LOOK! THE WINDOW'S WIDE OPEN" Jaiden pointed to the window. They looked outside to see that the bush was a mess and looked like it was squashed. And the dirt made a trail, leading to the North. Meaning, Jake is heading towards the North direction.

"OH FUU--- WE HAVE FIND HIM NOW" James said, he managed to swear, but managed to stop himself from saying the whole actual swear word.

But then... What happened to Jake? Where did he go? Everything will be uncovered in the next chapter...


Sorry for the very late update. I was lazy to update this morning in my timeline. So I got to update this book just this night (my timeline). Hugely sorry for the huge delay. But hope you enjoyed this chapter!!



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