The Wrath of Truth or Dare

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Adam: Cool! Well you guys can sleep over at my house! Cause tomorrow we the Animation Squad are meeting up in California

Jaiden: Sounds exciting! Ready you two?

Tim and James nodded nervously.

Adam: What about we play the good 'ol sleepover game

Jaiden: Oooo!! Is it Monopoly?!?!

Adam: Heck no Jaiden! Not many people can afford it.

Jaiden: Then what is it?

Adam: Truth or Dare

The three gulped. Not ready to taste the wrath of the game. If they choose either of them, they'll just embarrass themselves either way.

But they had no choice but to play the game with Adam.

~At his room~

Everyone sat down in a circle formation. Adam was ever ready to face Truth or Dare. But the three? Nope.

They were sweating as if they were being cooked in an oven. Oh wait... Arizona is an oven... Guess they're sweating twice as the amount they'd usually sweat.

Adam: Alright, who wants to start first?!

Eveyone was silently looking at Adam with a nervous look.

Adam: Alright, I'll go first then! I choose truth!

James: So... Do you like anyone?

Adam: Hmm.... Nope. Alright! Who should I pick um... James!

James: Crap.

Adam: So James, truth or dare?

James: T-truth

Tim: Oooo!! This is something juicy!

James: Oh god please help

Jaiden: lol, good luck James

Tim: Alrighty! Do you have a crush on someone?

James: U-um... W-well you see... No

As he blushed madly. While Jaiden blushed a light shade of pink, so it wadnt obvious but James' blush.

Adam: Hey James. Its called "truth" so you TELL the truth. Are you lying?

James: I augh... You caught me. Yes I do have a crush on someone

Tim & Adam: Ooo!! Who's the lucky girl?

James: Hey hey hey!! You just asked if I have a crush on someone. So technically, I only answer yes or no. NOT telling her name! If you said Do you have a crush on someone? If yes, who is she? Be specific!

Jaiden: He's got the point guys

Tim: Darn it! Oh well, looks like I'm next! Truth!

James: Okay... Do you have a crush on someone? If yes who is she?

Tim: What the--

James: That's how you ask a question Tim. Be specific!

Tim: I... Fooey YES I do have a crush on someone!! And she's a youtuber too!!

Jaiden: Who is it?

Adam: Yeah you still havent answered James' second question

Tim: S-she's.... S-s....

Jaiden: Wait dont tell me... It's Spechie right?!?!

Tim: What!??! How did you kno-- I mean NO!!

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