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"N-o.... STOP" Jaiden yelled "I WILL HURT YOU WITH MY EYES". But Dustin wasn't scared, instead he laughed it off. "Oh really? You know I'm immune to all of werewolves' pathetic abilities"

"GAH!!!" Jaiden said as she sat upstraight from the bed. She breathed in and out quickly, she looked around to see that, she's back in her room. No Dustin to be seen "Oh... It was just a dream..." she mumbled as she stood up and went to the bathroom.

She washed her face, but as she opened her eyes she saw James leaning sleepily on the door way. Jaiden couldn't help but laugh it off.

After she wiped her wet face away with a dry face towel, she said "Wake up James!" As his boyfriend's eyes slowly fluttered open. "Huh?" He asked, confused how he got into the bathroom.

But he just brushed the thought off and washed his self up. "So. Where are we going next?" The blonde guy asked the brunette. "Well... We're going for one last trip with the Animation Squad, and after that. We're going to go home"

James nodded as he wiped his wet face. Then headed downstairs for breakfast. As they entered the dining area, they saw Tim and Adam, already there.

"Morning" the two guys said in chorus, as the couple greeted back and sat with them. It seems their fellow friends have already ordered them a meal, that they'll surely enjoy.

So the couple munched on their meal as Tim spoke "So... Can I um. Ask a question to you two?" He said looking at James and Jaiden.

"Sure, what is it?" The duo said in unison, "I am wondering who in the world is Dustin? And... What did he do to you guys? I'm still confused."

Jaiden started to stutter, she tries to hide the truth from them, wanting to keep her and James's secret safe. "I-its... Someone that bullied us, okay?" She stammered.

But then, James breathrd heavily, as all eyes shifted to him. Jaiden knew what was going to happen next, "Um. Will you guys excuse us?" As she led James to a bathroom.

Tim and Adam exchanged looks, and wondered what has happened to James. They have no idea that he's full of fiery, and can hurt anyone with his unstable eyes.

With James and Jaiden...

"James please calm down" his girlfriend pleaded. As James continued to breath heavily "I. Just. CAN'T" he shouted to her. Jaiden looked down to her feet, moments later, back to James.

She took a deep breath "James. Look at me" she said firmly, as James opened his red eyes. But as soon as she saw Jaiden's chocolate eyes, his' returned back to normal.

"There you go" Jaiden said softly, giving him a warm smile, that can make someone cold, warm again.

James looked down to his feet, ashamed of what he have shown his friends. "I-i'm sorry about that..." he apologized. Jaiden placed his hands onto his shoulders "It's fine, no one's perfect anyways" she explained.

Then the brunette smiled at him, her smile was contagious that it made the blonde guy, smile too.

After Breakfast...

"Well that meal was delicious" Adam said, as Tim nodded in agreement. Then, the two guys' eyes shifted to James "Are you okay man?" Tim asked James. It made James uncomfortable and made his heart pump fast.

He wasnt expecting such a question from his friends, so he replied "Y-yeah..." as he bowed his head. But it did not convince his male friends. "I... I'll tell you the real reason when I'm ready, okay?" James said as the two understand as they continued to walk back to their room.

They'll be leaving the resort in 30 minutes, as they will go for one last trip with the rest of the Animation Squad.

Minutes later, the group finally have reached their room, "I guess you guys later" Jaiden said as Tim nodded and they proceeded to go inside.

"Hey. Thanks for saving me out there Jaiden" James said shyly and somewhat upset, but in relief. Jaiden giggled and said "It's no problem".

Then they continued to pack their remaining stuff.

30 Minutes Later...

Everyone has showered and packed their stuffs up already, so they went to the lobby and checked out.

"So where are we going?" Jaiden asked, then Tim said "I think to Sunsplash California". Then Jaiden and James looked at each other with a smile. ((You guys know why))

At Sunsplash...

"Here we are! And so does the others!" Adam said, inhaling the fresh air surrounding him. After the other three got out of their car, they did the same thing Adam did.

Then Tony approached them "Hey guys! Looks like you guys are early". "We wouldnt want to delay this memorable moment" Jaiden replied.

As they were talking, Spechie walked up to Tim. Tim couldnt help but blush, but at that time he was wearing his green hoodie, so he flipped it up so his blush wouldnt be visible much.

"Hey Tim!" Spechie said happily. But it caught many of her friends' attention. Or should I say friend-shippers! But to avoid the obviousness that they heard it and are shipping already, they just faked talking about something.

But in reality they are already talking about Timchie. "Oh hey!" Tim replied, so he wouldnt come out rude.

Spechie smiled at him and said "Want to grab a drink from the bar? Like juice?" At that time, Tim replied "Yeah sure!" And he followed behind her.

"OH MY GOSH!!!" Every girl screamed after the two left. With the boys, they were laughing, but it was more of a fanboy laugh. Since it was mixed with a scream.

"I SHIP IT" Alex screamed. "ALRIGHT GUYS! TIMCHIE'S THE NEW TRENDING SHIP!!" Cypher shouted happily.

It made everyone laugh. The majority of the Animation Squad votes for Timchie being the next trending ship. (I agree)

Minutes Later...

Everyone has changed into their swim suite. But no lady was wearing a two piece, instead they were wearing rash guard.

But for the boys, some were JUST wearing shorts, while some were wearing shorts and a shirt. While some wore rash guard.

James and Tim wore just shorts, Tony wore a rash guard, BlackSen and Alex wore shorts and a shirt.

Everyone had fun. They splashed around, they played volleyball. It was fun. But in the middle of playing volleyball, as James striked the ball. When he turned his head, he saw Dustin.

Then he disappeared. This angered James so much, that his eyes slowly turned red again "Uh... Jaiden? What's happening with James?"  Spechie asked.

"Uh oh" Jaiden mumbled, as she tried to swim to James immediately. "James calm down" she whispered. "I... I'm sorry Jaiden..." he whispered,

"I have to leave the pool. I must hide it..."


Hey guys Cathy here! I'm back with a new chapter! Sorry if the chapter has tons of time skip... To me this chapter is a trash. It seems rushed to me.

Also its my birthday!! Yay! Woah, in my brithday I get to update my OTP!! YUSS
(April 12)

Anyways, see ya in Thursday!


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