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May 2014

Brantley's POV

I stepped off the bus in my driveway with a sigh. Damn, I thought stretching my long arms over my head, I was glad to be home for a little bit. Between writing and recording the newest album I was worn out. We had kicked off the latest tour about a month ago. PJ had driven my truck in for me this morning to drop it off at the house. I had a month home before getting back on the road starting with a bike ride to Arlington right after the album release here in Jefferson.

I was looking so damn forward to that it wasnt funny. I'd made the best decision ever in moving back home from Nashville a couple years ago and building this house. With a big grin at the thrill of being home and sleeping in my bed as I looked up at the house. I had two weeks home and oh boy did I have big plans for that sucker. And they didn't involve much sleeping. I tossed my duffle over my shoulder and picked up my guitar case before jogging up the steps. I was whistling by the time I got the door open and set my stuff down then kicked my boots off.

I turned to head towards the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. I noted the stack of bags by the base of the stairs then shrugged my shoulders with a sigh. Okay, so maybe I wasn't going to be home these two weeks like I had planned. Especially after I saw the packed camera equipment bags. Looked like someone had a shoot on location. I knew I had one photo shoot coming up, so it was highly possible this was it.

I slipped my phone out to send a quick text to Mama that I was home and I would be by later to see her. I walked over to the fridge pulling a water out and cracking it open after putting my phone up. I was mid chug when I heard a throat clear softly. I felt my eyes bug out slightly as I lowered the water bottle to take in the sight before me.

Chin length auburn hair with soft blonde high lights, tight pair of jeans with ever present Converses, one of my old Zeppelin t-shirts tied at a slender waist exposing a sliver of tan stomach. I desperately wanted to undo that knot and slide the shirt upwards to sink my teeth into the most perfect pair of tits I had ever seen. It had been a long couple of weeks and I needed those long legs wrapped around my waist now.

Snapping of fingers echoing through the quiet kitchen pulled me out of my daze. A wide panty dropping smirk spread across my full lips as I locked eyes with my favorite pair of ocean blue ones. Lord, I could either get lost in them while buried to the hilt in her or want to run for the hills depending on her mood.

I stalked over to the glaring woman sitting on the kitchen island and wrapped one arm around her waist sliding my hand into the back pocket of her tight jeans. I lifted my other hand to cup her chin before locking my lips onto her candy tasting ones in a deep kiss. She resisted me at first then gave in when I traced my tongue slowly across her bottom lip begging for entrance.

I slid my tongue in to tangle with hers as I pressed my chest against hers chuckling lightly when I heard a quiet whimper. Damn had I missed her. She wouldn't go with me this last month out on the road. I lost myself in her kiss and was about to toss her over my shoulder to make a run up the stairs when I was stopped with a manicured hand landing in the middle of my chest.

"What the hell Allie?" I mumbled lifting my head to meet her icy glare.

I mentally kicked myself in reminder to not focus on her heaving chest. What had I done to piss her off now? I know we'd had a pretty big blow up before I left for this leg of the tour, but things had seemed okay since. I'd sent her three dozen of her favorite roses the next day with a heartfelt apology. Hell, a blow up was not out of the norm for us. Our fights were legend around here. All of Jefferson knew when we tied into it.

She may be little, but lord she had no trouble putting my big in ass in place. My MC buddies had designated bail money just for her if the time came she got enough to whip my ass, again. Allie let out a quiet growl making me pale slightly. Yep, she was pissed. I swallowed deeply and briefly thought of calling PJ for help. I froze up when she reached a hand behind her then whirled back around pushing a stack of papers into my chest, hard. I was so shocked I almost dropped the papers which made me step back to keep them from scattering. Allie ducked under my arm then pushed off the counter. I shook off my stupor and focused on the stack of papers in my hand as she strolled to the doorway of the kitchen.

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