Ummmm.... Hey

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Allie's POV

I tamped down a sigh when Brantley gripped my hips turning to set me on my feet beside the golf cart. I sucked in air trying to calm down my raging hormones as I turned to face my dad. He was standing there arms crossed over his broad chest giving me a questioning look. Despite only having turned fifty-five, I swore he didn't look a day out of his forties. We talked every few days even though it had been a couple of months since I had seen him.

We were very close, just the man was almost as much of a workaholic as I was. It had been that way since my mom passed away in my teens. Wasn't that Dad and Brantley hadn't gotten along when we were married, they had. But I was his little girl and even at thirty-three I always would be. I took a few steps closer doing my best not to limp seeing the ocean blue eyes framed with slight wrinkle lines narrow at me.

"Now Dad," I said figuring I would give him a taste of his own medicine. Aunt Liz swore we were just alike. "Quit giving me that look. And what are you doing here?"

"No I will not," he grumbled as I stepped closer putting my hands on my hips. I swear his accent got thicker the madder he got. "I made the time to come see my baby girl which is why I am here missy. You've been dodging me lately. Now I guess I see why. Does your boyfriend know about this?"

"Dad!" I snapped. Not a good idea to have not filled him in on that detail. "I know I've been the absentee daughter lately, but I have been busy and so have you! And for your information old man, Jake and I broke up."

"Could have told me that," he snarled shaking his head then holding his arms out. I shuffled forward throwing my arms around him as he hugged me tight. I sniffled a little as I buried my face in his shirt inhaling the scent I had smelled my whole life. Because until then I had realized how much I had missed my dad. He squeezed me tight brushing a kiss onto the top of my head. "Gilbert, want to explain to me why my daughter is limping?"

Fuck, I was hoping he wouldn't notice. I heard Brantley's footsteps as he walked closer.

"She had a scuffle near her in the pit tonight when she was getting shots of the show," I heard grumbled from behind me. "Got knocked down."

"What the fuck where you doing in there Allie?" Dad growled looking down at me.

"My job," I snapped glaring back as I stepped away a little. "I'm fine you pair of cavemen. PJ got me out in time."

"PJ!" Dad yelled like he knew exactly that PJ was standing not too far behind him. PJ stepped even with us with wide eyes letting out an audible gulp. It was no secret that over the years even PJ was terrified of my dad. I mean I got it. He was loud, bossy, tall, and intimidating as hell. Made a Chevron executive cry in a conference room a few years ago. But he hadn't gotten to where he was today being a pussy cat. Eric Walker had been and always would be a force to reckon with when he needed to be. "Explain!"

"Now Eric" PJ stuttered holding his hands up.

"Don't you now Eric me PJ," Dad growled. "Supposed to be keeping an eye on my baby girl. And dammit Allie honey you knew better anyway."

"Come on Eric," PJ said shaking his head relaxing a little. "You know as well as I do when she bats those big, blue eyes at you, well shit, you can't help but give in. I was standing right there and got her out of the way and on stage to Boss before the first punch was thrown."

"See Dad," I said smirking a little then shrunk back when he glared at me.

"Alright," he said nodding his head then lifted a big hand to point back and forth between me and Brantley. "What's the story with this then? I was still under the impression you two were pissed off at each other and Jake was still in the picture. But I walk up after a very taxing flight from Houston to see you two attached at the lips. Forgot you are divorced did we?"

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