The Coach And The Soccer Player Go On A Date// Lance Tucker

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When Hope asked you to go back to the gym with her, so she could have a "work out buddy" You quickly said yes.
Lance and you had texted once, and you were okay with not texting him at all.
You walk into the locker room. You slip off the shirt you wore, wearing only a sports bra and leggings. Hope wore a sweater and leggings. She looked you up and down before walking out.
You walked behind her before heading to the work out section of the gym.
"Hope Ann Gregory actually working out? Guess you don't want to be that gymnastic wash out eh?" Lance remarked as you ran on the treadmill. He didn't seen you, luckily. You left him on read. Hope said some sassy remark as you kept keeping your head forward. Running a little faster. Keeping your mind not on Lance Tucker.
"So Hope, where's that sister of yours?" You gulp.
"What the hell you want my sister for you perv.?"
"We were kind of close."
"Is that true, Y/N?" You groan, and flip the treadmill off. Lance turns to look at you. You walk over to them.
"We texted like once, then I left him on read."
"Wow. You never listen to me, fuck!" Hope yelled at you.
"Why did you leave me on read?" Lance asks.
"You asked me on a date! I didn't want to have sex with you!"
"What kind of logic is that?" Lance asked putting his hands on his hips. "Ever think maybe I just wanted to go on a date with you?"
Hope laughed and put down the weight in her hands.
"Your too shallow for that Lance." Hope remarked.
You shake your head walk away. Focusing on working out. You felt Lance watching you. So of course you did squats. Lance watched and then you heard soon after his footsteps towards you. Lance stood in front of you soon after. You looked up at him questioningly.
"Seriously, I want to go on a date with you?"
"Seriously?" You wanted to squeal so loud, but you remained calm. "I'm seriously nothing special."
"Yes, you are. You don't want to have sex with me, and usually every girl wants to fuck me." You laughed as you stood up again.
"So what your going to take me out, then I'm all of a sudden want to get on my knees or something?" Lance chuckled and crossed his arms. Hope watched the two y,immensely.
"No, just text me if you actually want to go on a date." Lance walked away annoyed.
"Lance wait!" You ran up behind him.
"I'll go on a date with you, only if you promise that we won't have sex."
"I can't promise you anything, but you definitely regret it." Lance kissed your cheek despite you being sweaty.
"Pick you up at 7." He said before walking off. Hope growled as you walked into the locker room.
She followed behind you.
"Don't expect a ride home from me." You rolled your eyes.
"I'll just run home, I haven't gone running in a while." Hope changed and you walked out into the parking lot. You threw your bag into your gym bag into Hope's car and pulled some earbuds out. Lance's car sat in the parking lot, but you didn't really care. You started to jog towards your house. It wasn't as far as you thought. You beat Hope by seven minutes. You quickly took a shower. After you dried off, Lance texted you.
"Wear something hot, babe."
You grinned and ran up to your room. The closet suddenly seemed full of so many things you could throw on.
Then your eyes darted to a black dress that just made your butt look so incredible.
You yanked it out of the closet. You pulled it on and looked in the mirror. Excitement all over your face.

A loud car horn pulls you out of the zone, as you apply the finishes of your makeup

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A loud car horn pulls you out of the zone, as you apply the finishes of your makeup.
You grab your phone and walk to the car.
Lance sits in the drivers seat, a snazzy suit on.
"Damn. I said hot, not irresistibly sexy." You blushed and clicked the buckle.
Soon enough you were in a pretty fancy restaurant.
As the night went on, you seen a side of Lance that was new. He didn't constantly talk about your ass, or boobs or anything.
By the time the date is over you were almost ready to rip his suit off.
"We should go on another date." You say. Lance grins and nods. "Maybe this time without clothes?" You smirk and Lance kisses you quickly.

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