Mix Up//Bucky Barnes

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Bucky didn't want to go. He wanted to fight for his country, but he wanted to hold you for forever. You both knew. That wasn't how this worked though.
The small New York apartment was about to be shook up. Bucky was drafted, and you were about to be alone. For weeks you had tried to conceive a baby, so you would have a part of him while he was gone. But as if a sign, you didn't get what you wanted. Today was the day, you wore a blue dress and small red kitten heels. Bucky smiled at himself in the mirror and looked over to you. You glanced to him and flashed a sad smile as you applied the cherry red lipstick. "You look too good doll." A blush comes across your cheek and a smile too. "Come on Bucky it's almost time." Bucky grabs your arm and smiles. His energy and happiness almost enraged you. "Why are you so happy? You're leaving me, and who knows if you'll ever come back." You ask quietly as you walk down the street your arm hooked with his. Bucky sighs. "You think I wanna go doll? I'm just trying to be positive so it doesn't hurt so bad leaving you." A sad nod from you and you look down. Teardrops drip down your cheek and onto the concrete before you.
"Okay.... I love you." You say softly. As you walk towards the train station, you notice the young soldiers hugging their girls and families, kids. Bucky wraps his arms around your waist, kissing your neck and then your lips. "Christmas... Christmas I'll be back doll." He smiles a bit and you nod, wetting his cheeks with your tears. You smile and hug him closer. "James, I love you." He smiles and kisses you, grinning against your lips. "I love you more Y/N." A sad laugh leaves your lip. All the men board the train and instead of waving to him, you start to walk back to the apartment, tears blurring your vision.
"James Blaine?" Bucky perked up when they skipped his name. He walks to the conductor confused. "You never called my name..." The man reads the list and shakes his head. "You aren't enlisted now, sir." Bucky was upset but couldn't help but grin. He climbs off the train and sprints back home.
You slip your dress off and put one of Bucky's nice button ups on. You lay in the bed, cold and sad. Tears fall from your cheeks and stain the pillow. Bucky unlocks the door and slips in. By then, you had cried yourself to sleep. He smiles when he sees you, he rubs your back and dresses in his pajamas. He wraps his arms around you and you slowly wake. "Bucky?" He shushes you and smiles. "We're leaving New York, going to Indiana. Getting you that ring and that house. We're gonna make a life for ourselves Mrs.Barnes. You hear me?" A happy nod comes from you, and you cuddle up to him. "I hear ya loud and clear hun."

Part Two? let me know! And the requests I'll get done soon I swear!

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