Mix Up Pt.2//Bucky Barnes

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Bucky's arms wrapped around you, his smile wide as the both of you peered up at the classy farmhouse. "Welcome to your new home." Bucky announced to no one really. He grabbed you, yanking you into the house. The large living room caused him to dance around with you, going through every room, boxes full of your stuff and his.  It seemed as life was going to be great here. But that was until the terribly petty arguments began, and they wouldn't stop.

"White paint? The beige is much more in tune with our sofa. And white gets dirty, if we have kids it's like asking for a mess don't you think?" It was a simple question, standing in a pair of Bucky's trousers and some old beat up heels. Bucky was admiring you, looking all messy and cute. "I think white is more elegant, and it matches so well with the house." An annoyed scoff left your lips. "But as always it's whatever you want my dear." Sarcasm and coldness dripped off Bucky's lips. You turned to face him, a brow raised. "Whatever I want?! The last two rooms have been whatever you want, so practice what you preach James." Bucky gave a smirk and grabbed the beige.
It didn't stop with the paint though, so it became bigger things that were actually important to you and him.

"Not pregnant Mrs. Barnes." The doctor pat your back and left. Bucky was at work for the day and late evening. This was the sixth test you had failed since being in Indiana. It was hurting you mentally, Bucky was growing more and more distant with work. He hadn't even know of your struggle to conceive yet. So you went home, waiting for Bucky with a dinner ready. And as the sun dimmed down, Bucky stumbled in tired, he went straight to bed. Your fists balled up and you growl. After eating you rush to the room. "I don't appreciate you not eating dinner with your wife. I worked on that meal to make you happy." Bucky mumbled something and nods. "Bucky. Do you not love me anymore? Is there another woman?" This got his attention for sure. He peeked at you. "Of course not.. why? Why would you think that?" After a long conversation he apologized to you, and you had sex. Like always, sex fixed it.. or at least for him.

And soon enough Steve came to visit, but he wasn't scrawny little Steve, he was buff. Bucky was upset. Jealous that you'd realize Steve had always been the better man.
It was dinner time, and Steve happily ate his food. You held Bucky's hand and look to both of them. "So- I found out I'm pregnant." Bucky choked on his bread, and Steve gasped. A warm smile spread across your lips. When Steve found out he was going to be an uncle he and Bucky hugged. Bucky was sobbing, and soon you couldn't help cry.

"I think I have gas Buck." You groan in bed one night. Bucky nodded. "Most definitely. It's bad." You nudge his arm. "It's not me! It's this baby." Bucky laughs and finds your belly, rubbing his thumb on it as you cuddle.

It was too early, three weeks to be exact. You groan as you sweat, waddling of the porch and towards Bucky. Steve and him were chopping wood and discussing whatever they did. "Y/N?" Bucky turns and then sees the water down your leg. In a matter of moments he lifts you and rushes you to the bed. "We need a Doctor!" You yelp angrily. Steve was panicking. "I've never seen a ladies parts." He mumbles. You start to grow angry.
"Man up Steve! Help me deliver this damn baby." You tell them. Bucky holds your hands and Steve prepares a towel and scissors and all of the stuff needed. Soon, after 2 and half hours of Steve flipping out about how he didn't think he liked Lady parts as much anymore and Bucky pretty much doing it all on his own. A baby boy's cries fill the room.

"James Roger Barnes, if you don't get your-" The young boy slipped out of your arms and rushed downstairs, naked. Bucky catches him and smiles. "I got him Honey!" He yells as he takes his son upstairs to you. You smile and dress him. "No." James pouts. Bucky laughs a little. "You have to! Nobody wants you running naked around." He shrugs. "I do." You giggle and make up the crib for James. "Uncle Steve coming?" He asks. Bucky picks him up and nods. "Tomorrow, Aunt Peggy too. And your cousin Molly." (Pretend everyone doesn't die and get sad and everyone is just happy god dammit.)  James giggles and claps. You both laid him down and he fell asleep in a matter of seconds. Bucky smiles and takes your hand. "Mmm my lovely wife." He whispers into your skin.
(SeX sCeNe!!)

This was crappy way to end, but I meannnnnn hahaha

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