Angel// 40's Steve Rogers

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Heyooo timeline is so messed up in this, bare with me plz:))))

The wind howled all through Brooklyn, people held their family tight and their coats tighter. Fall was ending and a harsh winter was coming. The streets were seemingly quiet for the crisp afternoon, few kids were out bouncing around and people were hurrying to get inside. The streets were dim and sad. Steve Rogers hurriedly rushed down the street, his coat bundled so close to him you'd think he was suffocating. It was far too cold for an average person to be walking the streets, much less Steve Rogers. A boy who was sick 90% of the time. Just last week he was grieving over his mother, she would scold him so hard for leaving in these weather conditions. Steve continued on in the dim streets that seemed to always be full of color and light. And then he laid eyes on her. A confused and distant look on her face. She was lost, and scared. Steve approached her. "Hey, ma'am. Are you lost?" He asks in a soft voice. You looked into his blue eyes. Steve felt an odd pang of happiness knowing she was his height, and his age.
"My aunt lives in Brooklyn, but I don't know where she lives and I've been wandering these streets for hours. I had to move here... for reasons." You say in a quick voice. Steve nods. "Well, let's go looking. I'm a gentleman by the way, I won't pull anything." He shoved his hands deep into his pockets and they start heading down different streets. Mid way, as they were both losing hope. You stop and plop down on a bench. Tears stroll quickly down your cheeks. Steve, not knowing what else to do sits next to you and wraps his arms tightly around you.
"Hey, you can come stay in my apartment. I live by myself." You pulled away and stood. "Thank you Steve Rogers for the kindness I appreciate your help. I'll always remember how kind you were today." You rush over down the street. Steve watches in awe as you leave.

Steve would see the girl that made him feel all tingly inside for a couple more months. Here and there she'd be around. You smiled and talked with Steve, you never made fun of him, you met Bucky. But Steve noticed you never lingered for too long. The next time he witnessed the grace you had, was when you were at the small bar dancing. You're group of friends seem to be focusing on the men surrounding, you seemed out of place. Although he noticed you had dressed nicer than before, and you're face seemed lighter and more happy. As Bucky stayed with both his and Steve's date, Steve wandered down the hall to where all the pictures of war were neatly hung up. There you stood, in front of a picture of a nurse and a wounded soldier.
"Hello Steve Rogers." You say in a soft tone.
"Hello Y/N. How have you been?"
"Lonely, bored. I'm going to sign up to be a nurse." Steve nodded, you had shared that dream with him multiple times. It didn't surprise him much.
"You'll do great." You lean on him slightly.
"Steve, can I confess something to you. And you may think I'm silly but I don't mind." Steve felt himself ease with your words. "Well go ahead angel, you know I won't ever think you're silly." There he went making your damn heart melt with that nickname.
"I think I love you Steve." You announce and Steve's eyes widen. "Don't be upset, but I can't help myself."
Steve shakes his head. No way. He couldn't have someone of your beauty, being in love with you.
"I love you too." He says softly and reaches for your hand. Without hesitation you take his hand in yours. The screen flips through different pictures and Steve sighs.
You look at the time, and turn to face Steve. "My aunt might worry about me, I got to go. Meet me in our spot tomorrow." You press a soft kiss on Steve's lips and head out. He sighs happily and watches you walk off.

The warm spring air flew through the apartment and Steve slowly awoke. Today, he would be going with Peggy to do something. He forgot. All he could think about was the fact that you were coming home soon. The thought of you arriving home made him perk up and quickly get dressed. He did his hair nice and happily walked to meet Peggy. As he was walking someone caught his eyes. You. You wore a white nurses uniform and your hair was in a tight bun. A smile came across your face as Steve walked towards you. The warm air on your face was quickly stopped once you nuzzled your face into Steve's neck.
"Holy hell Angel, I've missed you."

The procedure was finished, and you stood. Dropping your purse on the seat, you rushed down to see him. Pushing past Peggy as he came out.
"Don't touch him!" A man warned but you ignored and pulled him to a tight hug. He looked marvelous but you fell in love with his blue eyes all that time ago. Steve hugged you back tightly.

Steve sat in the bar, his arm tightly around you. A small drink in his hand, and a glass of water in yours. A man had his eyes on you the whole night. Steve watched him and made sure you stayed close. "I have to use the bathroom." You whisper and kiss his jawline. He carefully watches you go, and as you turn the corner he recognizes the man. Both Steve and you had grown up with the kid. He followed you down the hall, and you turn to see him.
"Hey Y/N, how have you been? Still with Rogers I see." He nods and gets closer to you. A simple nod is all you responded with as you turn to head to the small bathroom. "Why are you with him exactly? He has women on him now, and he's changed." The blood in your body boiled.
"He's the same blue eyed Brooklyn boy I fell in love with dammit! Now have some damn respect for him, and me." Steve had already pulled him back and was making sure you were okay.
"Angel. I've got to put a ring on you, before someone else gets the chance." A light laugh left your lips before Steve leaned down to kiss you gently.

The rain poured down beside the tent, all the women were packing up to leave. You couldn't. The small engagement ring in your hand. Steve was supposed to be back with the other men by now. Where were they? Where was he? A nurse who you had grown close with, packed your stuff away and carried it off. Completely emotionless you left the camp, glancing back once more to look at the path that he should have been walking down.

The apartment was bare, a small bed, a dresser and the kitchen. You sat on the small sofa and looked at the ring, that was so happily placed on your finger just weeks ago. You're future seemed to be down the drain, no Steve meant nothing to live for in your eyes. It was late afternoon, you'd be back to laying in the empty uncomfortable bed soon. Just as you were about to stand, and fix yourself something to eat. You heard a light knock on the door. Hoping it was Steve, or Bucky or maybe both, you rushed to the door. With a swift swing you opened it up. Peggy stood there, her lips not painted the spunky red they usually were. Tears brimmed your eyes.
"Steve he- he didn't." A loud sob left your lips and the feeling of complete pain struck your body. You fell to your knees, sobbing. Peggy fell with you, and held you so close.
The two of you stayed like that for quite awhile, until you grew too tired of crying and Peggy had to leave again. As Peggy left for her home you realized that you may never find happiness or love again. Not like you had with Steve. No more hugging so tight you can't breathe, no more kisses so sweet you melt, no future, no more bright blue eyes. No more Angel. No more anything with Steve Grant Rogers.


Steve had been awake for five days, his whole life had been shifted and his heart had remained empty. He slowly steps towards the cemetery just outside of the city. A light gray stone with the elegant black cursive spells out 'Y/N M/N Rogers' Steve feels himself start to cry, you weren't married yet. And yet you still made sure your last name was put as Rogers. He kneeled in front of the stone. You had passed away two years after he went missing. The cause of death was sickness. Steve runs his fingers over the engraved words on your tomb. If he had come back to her would you have thrived for more years? His vision blurs with tears.
"Oh Angel, I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." His head falls and he looks at his hand.

Oops made it sad:(

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