White Butterfly // Sebastian Stan

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It's also extremely short, sorry:( x2

This wasn't the end of the world, it was a minor bump in the road. He was constantly reassured of this, that this would blow over soon. All of it. The sickness, no filming, the lack of time spent with his new wife. Of course you were there, would you really leave him now? In a time when he needed you more than ever? He was unsure, but trusted you. And loved you. It was fall when you both heard the news, four months and a day after your wedding. Sebastian crumbled at the word. "Cancer" What a vile word, a word that sent chills and a deep sense of hatred through the spine. And although you wanted to crumble with him, you stayed strong. For you knew, that in a months time he wouldn't be strong enough.
The guilt killed him, he was always worried that you would be bored of the drives to chemo, the constant visits, the nights spent getting sick because of medication. No matter how many times you sat next to him at the toilet at 3 AM, promising him only the truth.
"I'm not leaving you Sebby, believe me."
It took time, but soon he understood that you did love him. Any sane woman wouldn't go through this, he thought. You didn't get proper sleep, or meals, or physical activity. But did you mind? Not at all, as long as the loving man in the bedroom above was feeling halfway decent you were settled. Time for yourself had perished, but time with your husband only grew.
"How many kids do you think we'll have?" You two would discuss these things late at night, the window cracked open to let the fresh air in. Your head always rested on his lap and his hand placed delicately on your forehead.
But good things only last for a bit, you knew this and Sebastian did too. The chemo got harder, the nights got longer, your patience grew thinner and the love you two shared remained strong. The doctors were promising more months and years, but it all came out to rubbish. Sebastian wanted the truth, how long did he have before he would have to say goodbye. He wasn't ready. What about the kids he promised you? Or the vacation to Greece? Or the big dinner party you two planned to have to celebrate the end of the cancer. Oh, how wonderful a dinner party sounded.
It was around lunch time when you heard it, the sound of his last breath. The live in nurse was quick to respond, but she was too late and so were you.

"He- He was so strong, he put up such a good fight. I'm sorry." The funeral was brutal, people hugged you and said they were sorry. If they were sorry, why didn't they bring him back? You felt like a shell of a woman for a while, without him what were you? It took time, for you to grow and grieve properly. It took lots of time, years. But life greeted you with a perfect gift, a baby and another husband. It was hard not to think about him everyday, but you were happy. You knew he was happy too.

"Mommy! This butterfly is an angel watching over us." Your daughter informs you. She was 5, she didn't know of Seb. She just told you this randomly at the park. The small white butterfly fluttered around her, and then to you. A warm smile flashed against your cheeks. The sight just brought forth emotion, tears down your cheeks. The butterfly lands on a small pink flower before finding its way to the clouds.

"An angel indeed, love."

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