After Misson//Bucky Barnes

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I literally had this as a dream last night, so let's hope I remember enough to make this good!!

The hand punched into your shoulder. You winced and kicked the man back. He stumbled and fell. You shot him, and stood quickly. It was the last of the Hydra agents. Bucky jogged up to you, and took a deep breath lowering his gun. Bruises covered his face and body, the both of you looked tired.
"Great job you two!" Sam congratulated. Bucky grinned at you, and you returned it.
"Let's get to the safe house." Steve replied. You limped to the quinjet and Bucky was close behind you. Once inside it was quiet, everyone was worn out. Especially Bucky and you. The two of you had to fight off the most of the agents. In a matter of 12 minutes, the safe house was in plain sight. The group walked off the jet and into the house. Bucky didn't stop or anything, he walked straight upstairs and into a room. You followed him, but instead you hit the showers. After you finished your shower you got changed and went to Bucky's room. He was silently laying on his side, still awake. You crawled up on the bed and laid next to him.
"Hi." You said in a hushed whisper.
"Hello, darling." It was quiet, and you were okay with that. Bucky's hand roamed to your shoulder and rubbed it a little bit. You winced.
"It's out of place." Bucky sat up a little scooting closer to you.
"It's fine. You have a black eye. Worry about yourself first." You flipped so you were looking up at ceiling now. Bucky's warmth scooted closet to you.
"I'm fine, I've had black eyes before. If you don't get it put back in as soon as possible, Fury won't let you go on anymore missions for a while." You groaned and turned to look at Bucky.
"I'll go to Banner tomorrow when we get back. I should be heading to my room soon." Everything you said was in a low voice.
"You don't have too leave. You can sleep in here." Bucky said, his voice urgent. You grinned and moved closer to him. Now you're body was against his.
"Why is you're hair so wet?" Bucky asked running his hands through it.
"I took a shower." The way his hands ran through your hair made you want to just pass out right there. "I think I'm in love with you, but I'm too tired to fully tell you right this second." Bucky chuckled and kissed your forehead.
"I feel the same, darling."

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