Little One // Bucky Barnes

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Mentions of being horny lol

When you had found out you were pregnant it's like everything in your life and Bucky's had shifted. Bucky was terribly scared that he'd hurt the baby somehow, and after you convincing him for what seemed like hours he finally was convinced that everyone would be fine. Sadly though, Bucky made sure that you stopped your training and missions which was hell for you at first. But then, after a month of chilling on the couch you were sold you loved being pregnant. That was until you hit your three month mark and things got bigger and clothes got smaller. As Bucky sat on the couch one day, he heard sniffling in the other room. He hopped up off the couch and into your guys bedroom. When he walked in you were trying to suck in the small bump forming.
Sure, Bucky had noticed that it was there. He would never point it out, Tony told him to never ever point it out.
"Whatcha doing hun?" Bucky asked sitting on the end of the bed.
"Nothing why do you care?" You snapped, years on your face. You quickly sat next to him on the bed.
"Everything is getting bigger Buck!" You cry into his shoulder.
"Doll, it's pregnancy. It's going to happen. You've just got to let it happen."
After that you were starting to come to terms with the everything getting bigger part. What you weren't to terms with, the emotions. At this time you were almost five months, and everything was going smoothly. Except for some reason, you were crying and looking out the apartment window. Bucky had gone to the store for thirty minutes, and you missed him. A mad frown came across your face.
"Does nobody care that I'm alone." You cried softly to yourself. It was so odd and you had never had your moods all over the place like that. The front door opened and like some sort of happy puppy, you made it to the door.
"Buck! I missed you." Confused, but not surprised Bucky kissed you happily. Bucky was great at tolerating you, you didn't know why he was so good at not being annoyed. It's like he only remained gentle. Now, at the end of your six months. The cravings hit bad. It was like you could only eat anything unless it had chocolate sauce on it or dipped in ice cream. That's where Bucky was truly the greatest. It was around 12:30 am, and Bucky had gotten home from a mission three hours before. The two of you laid cuddled in bed, Bucky's flesh arm rubbing your belly as the two of you slept happily. You shifted awake and by habit Bucky did too.
"You alright, doll?" A soft nod and a sad smile.
"Do we have ice cream? Ooh or banana peppers?" A small chuckle leaves Bucky's lips and he gets up. After ten minutes he comes back into the room with a small carton of vanilla ice cream and a jar of banana peppers. A bright smile appeared on your face, and Bucky knew in that moment that he would no matter the time or place he'd do anything for you. Up you got and took your food to the kitchen. Bucky tiredly plopped back in bed. After finishing your snack, you put stuff away, brushed your teeth and entered back into the bedroom. Nothing made you more happy than eating and then laying with a hot hunk of Bucky. A smile rested on your lips as you fell asleep. And when the weird cravings calmed you realized how horny you were. It was insane. Everything that Bucky did was hot, and you assumed that it was hormones that helped with that. I mean usually ANYTHING Bucky did was super hot, but even him watching tv had you in a tizzy. Luckily all was worked out in that part of the weird fazes you were going through ( ;) )
At eight and a half months to go, you were pretty much in a baby everything mode. While Bucky was gone on a mission, he had Sharon come by everyday to help you out. One day Sharon came by and the nursery was painted and decorated. She was impressed how mobile you still remained. Sadly, the days were distracting since you just got the nursery done. Bucky had missed the gender revealing at the doctors and missed lots of kicks. It made him feel so upset all the time, and you couldn't help but feel bad for him. So when Bucky got home that night, you sat awake as he walked in. "Hey, doll. How are my two favorite people?" You peppered him with a small kiss.
"Huge, happy, sad, always hungry." Bucky chuckled and slipped his shirt off. "Horny." You mumbled under your breath.
"Go look at the spare room." Bucky looked at you confused, and you swung your legs off the bed. Walking with him to the freshly made nursery. When he looked at the room and saw blue a happy grin, and small stray tears fell down his face.
"A boy." He mustered as he kissed you. As you kissed him back, a few happy kicks and then a very uncomfortable kick. Suddenly as Bucky is worriedly leading you back to bed, a gush of warm water rushing down your legs.
"I really hope I just peed myself." Bucky, being so oddly strong. Changed you into clean pants and lifted you. He rushed into the car and drove so fast with you beside him.
After the long long birth and three extra days in the hospital because Bucky was constantly passing out due to shock, you finally brought Samuel Grant Barnes home.
It was great, being home with Bucky and the baby. He was great with him. Your favorite thing he did with Sam, was when he held him at night and sang a soft Romanian lullaby and then kissed his hand. He always left the nursery telling Sam. "I love you little one." It was precious.

Hope you enjoyed. This is literally crap because I wrote it at 6:30 in the morning!

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