Chapter Nineteen | Valentine's Day

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Thursday, February 13, 1992
Paisley Park Soundstage

Prince's POV

"Alright guys, I'm going to cut rehearsal short today." I spoke into my microphone informing the band.

"You're cutting rehearsal short? Man you feeling okay?" Levi asked while playfully touching Prince's forehead.

"I'm just fine. It's just that I have some place to be with someone very dear to me. I'll see you all back here Monday, enjoy your weekend."

Everyone looked at each other quickly before gathering their things in preparation to leave.

"Say brother, where you off to?" Tony asked.

"I've got something planned for Nikolai this weekend. We'll be leaving the house but we'll still be in state."

"Oohhh." Tony smirked with a chuckle. "A little Valentine's Day getaway?"

"Oh yeah. She ain't got no idea though. Gonna keep it that way too."

Tony smiled but then noticed Maya creeping up to but in the conversation.

"Did I hear something about Valentine's Day?" Maya asked curiously.

"Yeah you did, cause you was ear hustling." Tony sharply replied.

"Oh Tony don't be silly." Maya said with a laugh before turning her attention to me. "Well I hope you have a good time, a getaway sure sounds like fun. Maybe one day I'll have someone to do those things for me."

"There's love all around Maya. You just have to let it find you."

"Oh I know, I'm sure that it will." Maya responded as she pulled me into a hug. "I hope you save me something sweet."


Galpin Blvd
Nikolai's POV

I stood in the shower as the warm water poured down my back. The day was off to a late start due to a long night in which I thanked Prince for. But finally I was able to sleep in, something that held a rare occurrence.

I lifted my head, coming up from rinsing conditioner out of my hair when suddenly, the shower door opened.

"Ahh!" I yelled as my eyes popped opened. "Dammit Prince! You scared me!"

He just stood there enjoying his belly laugh as if anything was funny.

"Nothing's funny."

"You should've seen the look on your face, looking like you seen a ghost or something."

"Ah shut up!" I yelled sliding the door closed but his hand stopped it.

"Oh c'mon you know it was funny."

"I guess. I don't know what you get out of scaring me."

"I like getting a rise out of you." He said before his eyes started drifting down to my body. "Mmm.."

"Nope, nope. It's not happening." I blurted while sliding the door shut.

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