Chapter 7: "The Follower"

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..."The Follower", was outside the bushes where i was hid looking for me, i covered my mouth in case he could hear my light breathing... he ran on wards, i uncovered my mouth and slowly looked around the corner. I got up and took a few small steps forwards until i banged in to someone, i jumped out of my skin, and turned around to look at who it was, i was afraid it would be The Follower, it wasn't, it was Stefan!

'STEFAN! What? What are you doing here?' i said in shock

'Sorry if i scared you, sorry i didn't, you know write back, i was actually going to go and talk to you in person.' He replied

'Oh! Why?' I asked, fixing my bag 'And how did u know where i was?' I wondered, backing away from him slightly

'Oh, at the bottom of each message it says where the person is, if they have their GPS thing on, guessing you had it on. And i was going to talk to you about what you said...' He said, using his hands

I saw The Follower, 'run, run!' I said starting to run towards the end of the shortcut

'Why?' he asked

'BEHIND YOU!' I shouted

He turned around and didn't run! I turned to see if i was running, instead he high fived "The Follower" and shoulder hugged him, I watched them start a conversation and then turned started to walk home. 

I got to the door at around 8 nearly 9, got my keys out the from the front pocket of my bag and unlocked the door, i walked in and i saw dad sat down, dad got up from the leather sofa and walked over to me.

'ROSE! oh my, Rose! where have you been! You were supposed to be home since 3, where did you go?' He asked, checking me to see if i was okay and not hurt

'I was a Bella's! I text you, did you not get it?' I said checking my phone

'No!' I replied 'What text? I didn't get any text! What a text? He said checking his phone

'I sent you a text... wait dad, you don't know what a text is?' I said looking up from my phone!

'Yes, of course i do! What makes you think that?' He asked looking up 'I didn't get any text from you!' He said showing me his phone

'Oh good! I just swear you asked what a text is! I swear i sent it to you! Ohh!' I realized 'The text didn't send! Oh i'm sorry dad! You have taken your tablets right?' I said hugging the old man, looking up at him

'No, actually, i forgot! i was so worried, i didn't know where you were, i forgot! He said, slowly releasing me from his hug.

'Dad! You need to take them ever 4 hours, they would of kept you calm!' I told him, grabbing the pot from the side table

'I know!' He said, taking them from me and opening them.

'I'll grab the water' i walk over to the sink, washed a cup and poured some filtered water, and walked over to him and gave him the glass, i told the tablets from his hand and put them back down

He put the tablet in his mouth and drank the water straight after.

'Heard from the hospital about Mum yet?' I asked

'No! Sorry, She will make it, she will fight those this!' dad replied

'Dad but it incurable! she is not going to be able for long!'I said taking the cup from his hands and putting it next to his tablets

'Think positive,  tomorrow after school we can go and see her okay?' He asked

'Okay!' I said trying to smile

After he told me to go to bed. So i kissed him on the check and ran upstairs and into my room.. I put my bag down and put my pyjamas on and got my diary out from behind my pillow, got a pen from my bed side table, got the key out from the third draw and unlocked my diary

Dear Diary.

Today has been a really long day, so many things happened, I myself could hardly keep up, One good thing happened to day, I made new friends, me and Bels anyway, they're twins Cheryl and Jonnie, Bels really like Jonnie, I'm so happy for her! she really likes him. Today i told Stefan that I like him, he didn't exactly react like i thought he would kind of but he didn't react good either, he said he wand to talk about what i said but he never actually said much, I also got followed to on the way home from Bels' , It so scary! Oh my God! And then turns out that the person that was following me knew Stefan! Its been such a strange day!

Lets hope that tomorrow will be better!

Good Night Diary!

After i wrote in my diary, i closed it , i locked it, after i put the key back in the draw and put my diary back under my pillow, got under the duvet and went to sleep.

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