Chapter 2 : Sorry again!

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We got to our first lesson, English,  it was so boring, the whole lesson we were reading! it dragged so much! the only thing I was concentrated on was Stefan! he was sat in the sit in front on the row to my left! I could see his hand moving meaning that he was doodling! I quietly scrunched up a blank peice of lined paper and I got to put it in the bin, I walked to the bin, slowly looking over my shoulder, trying to make him notice me! he just looked up quickly and started doodling again! As I walk back to my sit and accidentally and I mean accidentally trip over his bag, making one of his books fall out! it was the same book we both reached out for earlier, I picked it up and handed it to him, 'Sorry!' I whispered

'Thanks, And its okay!' he whispered, smiling.

The bell went, 10 minutes later, everyone got up from their seats, packed thier things and walked out to their next lesson.

My next lesson was Drama, I was just four doors away from the drama room, when I arrived the only people that were there was Stefan and this girl called Chloe, when me and Bella saw who had already arrived we went in, put our bags down next to each other, got a chair from the piles of six and sat down. We waited for 2 minutes in silence, well it wasnt a silent, everyone was quietly whispering. ... We waited 2 minutes before the rest of the people arrived. Nearly everyone was here, but Mr Conrade started the lesson anyway. 'Okay, so I want you all to get in groups of 2 or 3, can you do that now please?' he said, raising his hands up high. As he said that me and Bella both looked at ourselves knowing that we were going to pair up. As everyone got up with their chairs to get into groups, the rest of the class or should I say "The Unbeatables" walked in. Sir told them to stand outside,  meaning he was going to have a go at them for being 5 mins late. They all stepped out side and closed the door behind them.

Everyone was finally in to groups, but one person. .. strangely it wasnt Chloe, it was Stefan? He was the odd person,  I thought for a bit how was he last(?), hes like one of the most popular boys in school!

'Can you see any popular people IN here? Bella asked, I slowly shoke my head. Mr Conrade asked me and Bella if Stefan could go in our group since we are the only group that was in pairs, everyone else was in threes.

'Yeah sure, we wont mind! Is that okay Rose?' replied Bella, as she slowly turned to me.

"Yeah sure,  thats fine!" I answered,  smiling at sir.

"Okay,  Stefan you go in that group..' Sir directed him, "Okay, since you all know we are doing Romeo and Juliet! Your task is to select a scene from the play and preform it, You have 3 weeks, meaning 3 lessons, unless your group wants to meet outside of lessons. If you're stuck on thinking of a scene, here is a hat, inside contains a few scenes,  you can come up here and pick one out! Okay? Good luck!" Sir explained,  as he placed the brown leather type hat on the front desk.

After everyone started discussing,  sir went out side to talk to the " Unbeatables"

'So! what scene are we going to do and who wants to be who? said Bella, exhaling.

'Oh please, please, can I be Juliet?' I jumped in quickly!

'Oh! I wanted to be Juliet!' said Bella putting her right hand up then putting it down a few seconds later!

My energetic expression quickly changed! I crossed my arm, So the Bella. She turned away.

' Well, I'm going to be Romeo, either way so..' Stefan pointed out. 'How about you both do rock, paper, scissors? suggested Stefan, shrugging his shoulders.

Bella turned back to face me...

'Fine' Bella said grumply

'Okay!' I said smiling at Stefan

He smiled back!

'Rock...' Bella went

'Paper' I said

'SCISSORS! ' we both said...

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