Chapter 6: New friends

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We all walked, 'Hi, I'm Rose and this is Bella! We're both 16 too! haha!' I said.

The whole way to art, we all just go to know each other.

We all arrived to the lesson on time, for the first time today,  Stefan was there already, I wondered how come he got there before me since her is on like the 4th floor.

In art I sit next to Bels on the other side of the room, as far away from Stefan as possible, I was so relieved!

'Hi miss, Cheryl and Jonnie are new and me and Bella are their 'buddies'!  Can they sit next to us? I asked

'Yeah sure!' Miss said kindly

I love Miss Love, she is one of my favourite teachers! I love her lessons.

'Thank you miss!' I thanked, I turned around, nodding to Bels, Cheryl and Jonnie, signaling that we are aloud to sit next to each other.

I walked over to them and sat down in my sit.

The lesson dragged on a bit but it was a good lesson we got to know Jonnie and Cheryl really well, we had a lot in common, the bell went for the end of the day.. We packed our things, went to our lockers to put books away, their locker were strangely next to ours. After we put our things in our lockers we went home, we all went our separate ways,  well, Bels went home,  I didn't, I went to hers, we got in my car and drove to hers,  we stayed there and talked about our new friends.

'Hi, mum, can Rose stay 'round for a bit to do homework?' Bels asked her mum,  kissing her on the cheek

'Yeah sure!  Just don't make noise okay?  Your step dad is sleeping! He's got work tomorrow' she said smiling, while mixing a wooden spoon

Bels' mum is a really good baker! She bakes the most amazing cakes ever! Shes really good!

'We will!' we said leaving the kitchen

'We better take our books out in case mum comes up to check on us!

We talked and laughed for hours, laughed quietly, of course

we laughed... (from something Bels said preciously)

'So, you and Jonnie! In art all you were doing is... hehehe! hehe! ' I imitated,  twirling my hair like Bels was.

'Oh no! haha!' she laughed putting her hand over her face!

'Haah! no go on tell me!' I laughed

'we have so much in common!  He both love R&B music, we both have brown eyes, we both have a single parent! He has his dad and I have my mum, hes so sweet and so funny! I think I like him!' Bels said, looking up as if she was day dreaming! 'I think he kind of likes me too!' she said looking at me

'Awhhh! thats sooo cute, good thing you re finally moving on from Si!' I said looking back at her

'Si who? , haha! ' she said jokingly,  laughing.

'Of course I have to ask Cheryl if I can go out with him, I can just go and go out with him, she's my friend now and hes her brother!' Bels said, shrugging her shoulders

'I'm sure she will be fine with it' I reassured her.

'Yeah I hope, So what about you and Stefan? Bels asked as I put my hands on my face

'I don't know! I know I need to tell him but what if he doesn't feel the same way? it would be so embarrassing!' I told her!

'Hes online!' Bels said checking her IPage on her phone

'Oh no! No!'I said shaking me head!

'Go on! tell him! he does want to talk to you!' She said picking up my phone and handing it me!

'Fine!' i said, I took it from her, put in my password and went on to my IPage. I went on to IPage messenger and searched his name... and said: ...

Me: Hi Stefan! ox

Stefan: Hi! :) x

Me: What was it that you wanted to talk to me about?  :)  ox

Stefan: Oh, I was just going to ask you why you were like kind of avoiding me, I noticed it happened when you found out my date with Rosa :/ x

Me: Oh! Urmm.. well...

Bels moved next to me and was reading our conversation,

'Go on! Tell him!' she encouraged me.

I looked at her, scared..  I looked back at my phone...

(Me): ... Well... urmm.. I.. like... you!  When I found  out that you were going out on a date with Rosa, it kind of shocked me, not that you would go out with Rosa, its just, I dunno!  :// ox

I looked at Bels, biting my bottom lip

'Hes seen it!' Bels said, pointing to my phone, I looked down!

Stefan: Ohh! Urmm.. I dont like Rosa that way by the way.. :/ x

Me: Oh, Okay, cool!  But did you have doodles of her name? :/ ox

He saw that message and didn't write after that!

We waited for 10 mins just staring at my phone

'Sorry! I shouldn't of forced you like that,  you should've done it when you were ready!  I'm sorry!' Bels apologized! 

'No its okay! you were right it was time to tell him, now I feel like his massive weight has been lifted! its fine!' I told her!

'Really?' She said looking at me!

'Yeah! Really!'  I told her, looking at her 'Well I better get going, dad is probably freaking out right now! ' I said packing my books into my bag

'I'm going to leave the car here, is that okay? Dad is probably asleep and the car will wake him, I'm come tomorrow after school to get it!?' I asked

'Yeah thats fine,  its in the garage so its fine, dad keeps his car out front, so it will be okay! ' she replied 'Its really dark though!' she said, looking out the window

'i will be fine! See ya!' I said leaving her room and going downstairs

I said bye to her mum and went home.

It was late when i left to go home, it was nearly winter, it got dark sooner. I decided to take to shortcut through a large car park, I was thinking about tomorrow, when I see Stefan in History until I felt someone following me. I walked faster, it heard their footsteps moving quicker and quicker too.

I started to run, I was nearly at the end of the car park, the person following me ran too! I ran faster, running out of breathe! I ran as fast as I could and hide in a bush, as I caught my breathe...

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