Chapter 23: Catching up

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'John Fellon's Kid?'dad askes me, in surprise

I nodded

'Oh, I guess I have him to thank then' dad said grabbing hold of my hand.

I forced a small smile.

'Sweetie I was so scared, at first I thought you went back to sleep and then all of a sudden I receive a call from the hospital, ' he said.

'Sorry Dad! I didn't mean to scared you!' I apologized 'Did you not see my note?' I asked

'What note? ' he asked

'I left a note for you, So you'd know where i was. I wasnt tired so I decided to go out. ' I said

'I didnt see any note,  I didnt have time, I was to busy worrying about you!' he pointed at me

'Oh!' I said

An hour later dad had to go because he got a call from work. For the rest of the day I was on my phone,  when the battery ran out,  I did some homework that I had that was due on Monday.

It was about 9 : 30, the time where all the Doctors and Nurse would be leaving.  After 10 mins the whole hospital was quiet,  the only thing you could hear was the lights automatically turning off and my heavy breathing (I have a cold!)

I felt the need to go to the toilet, I slowly took my foot of the large sling and got the crutch that the Nurse left for me in case I want to walk around. I grip hold of it with my right hand and slowly turned my self so I was in a sit postion. I slowly slid of the bed and held the crutch on the hand that my foot in a cast so I would have no weight on it, I grabbed hold of the other crutch slowly, I started to make my way out.  I got to the corridor, the bathroom was literally around the corner, I went around the corner and there it was.

When I finshed and I sanitised my hands since I cant wash them. I got my crutches and start to stumble out. I got to the corridor and finally made it to my room. I stumbled to my bed and fell asleep instantly.

    The next morning, I was awoken of the sound of my first morning visitor. It was Bels, in her hand she had a bag of mine.

'Morning!' She said quietly

'Morning!' I said hardly awake

'I bought you some things in case you bored!' She said putting a bag on the bed and opening it

'Oh thanks, what did you bring?' I said more awake

'I bought your apple charger, your tab, your tabs charger. And I bought some clothes for when you get out of here! Oh and make up and a mirror' she said taking it all out as she told me what they were.

'Awh, thanks! I said getting my apple charger as she put all away. 'Can you plug my phone?' I asked her

'Sure!' she said taking my charger and phone from my hands

'So, what am I missing out there? .how did the beach go, you never told me!' I said as she said back down

'Oh, it was great!! We had so much fun, would of been better if you were there!'she said

'Oh! Thats good  and Yeah I'm sorry about not going, how are things going with Jonnie? ' I laughed lifting my eyebrows up and down

'Well I can tell you, that we watched the sun set and maybe had a bit of.. ' she said stopping

'Ahh! He kissed you? awhh!' I screamed, she laughed 'Is he good? I asked casually

'Hm.. 8! 'She said rating how good the kiss was

'Were you wearing lip gloss?' I asked her

'Yup! Strawberry! ' she said

We both laughed 'Awhh!' I said as we stopped laughing.

'So! Hows you and Stefan?' She asked, my whole mood changed

'We have a lot in common,  did I tell you his mum and my uncle were both buried on the same day at the same grave yard?' I asked

'No, oh my god! Really?' I nodded 'Yeah, you wouldnt know, you didn't go to your uncles funeral did you?'

I shoke my head

'Yeah. So? Anything else?' she asked

I thought for a bit about wether I should tell her, I decided to since she is my best friend. 'Yeah, guess me and you both had the same experience this week then...' I said

'What?' she wondered

'Well, he messssged my yesterday, wondering if I wanted to meet up with him, and I said yeah, its not always Stefan would ask me that' I continued as Bels face turned in to shock

'OH!'she said

'And we talked for a bit and he kissed me' I said looking at Bels

'O-M-G! Oh my god! did you scream?' she asked jokingly! 'Oh my god!

I laughed at her reaction

'Good?' she said repeating what I asked her

'8' I replied


'No, but I was wearing Vaseline! ' I said pointing to her

She squealed, 'Oh my god! look at us! Having our, well your first kiss!

'Haha' I laughed

I sat there laughing with her and celebrating with her but inside I felt guilty that didn't tell her whole truth.

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