Chapter 16 : Explanation

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'So how did the funeral go?' He asked me

'Like every other funeral,  I guess!' i said just managing to pull a smile

'Okay!' he said staring at the ground

'So, why did you call me over?' I said him as we stopped walking

'Urmm.. well I want to show you something.' he said looking up

'What?'I asked

'I'll show you' he said, directing me back into the grave yard

I follow behind him, we walked past a lot of graves,  we came to the end of a line of graves and stopped.

'This is my mother's grave,  she was buried here 8 months ago' he said, going getting down on my knee facing his mum's grave

'Thats weird,  my uncle was buried here 8 months ago to!' I remembered

'Oh cool!' he said looking up at me

'How did she you know... die?' I wondered, hesitating and not knowing if he would want to talk about it

'I mean,  if you want to talk about it.' I quickly added

'Urmm, well I guess I do mind but ill talk about it..' he said

'No, don't talk about it if you don't feel like it, I dont want to force you! 'I interrupted

'No, no, no, I want to talk about it!' he smiled

'Okay, if thats alright with you!'I said smiling back at him

'Well, to answer your question she died of a heart attack ....' he paused

'Oh my god!' I gasped

'Yeah, it was so sudden, one moment she was fine and just watching tv with her eyes half open, and then I popped to the kitchen to get her a drink and then I thought she was alseep and then when as few hours passed, she was still what we thought sleeping and when we saw it was a long time to be 'asleep' we tried to wake her up and she wasnt moving..'he explained as we started to walk out of the grave yard

'Oh my god!' I gasped again

'Yeah... and we checked her pulse, and we couldnt feel it, we called an ambulance. They arrived 10 minutes later and put her on a gurney and took her into hospital. My step dad went with them, I stayed with my older brother Dave, and 2 hours later we got a call from Govemost Hospital, and they told us she died of a heart attack' he finished

'Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I can imagine how you felt,  I mean I do know how you felt, my mum passed away 4 days ago' I said as we stopped

He smiled

I went in to hug him, and he hugged me back, as we were letting go, we stopped half way, we both started at each other and started lending in closer, a loud bike bell rang, we quickly separated, we both awkwardly chuckled,  and started walking again

The whole way home we didn't talk, I was screaming inside,  I almost kissed him! I could scream out loud!

As we approached my house, I said dad's mini parked in the drive way, Stefan took me all the way to the front door.

'Thanks, see ya in school?' I said unlocking the front door and walking in

'Youre welcome' he nodded

I smiled

'Hey, Im sorry about your mum!' he said before I closed the door

'Yeah me too and I'm sorry about your mum!' I said back

He smiled again, he turned around and walked off, I closed the door after watching him walk down the street.

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