Chapter 26: Everywhere

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I picked up my phone which was on the side and unlocked it.

I whispered the message to myself;


Stefan: Hey, I'm sorry about earlier..

Me: ...

Stefan: I can't stop thinking about you and the kiss!

Me: Me too... Is that it?

Stefan: .. Er.. Yeah :/

Me: Okay.


I'm guessing he saw the message.

After a few hours, Cher and Jonnie had to go home.. Bels stayed with me for about 1 more hour after Jonnie and Cher left, then she had to go, her mum wasn't feeling well. For pretty much the rest of the day I was alone. The only frequent visitors I got were the nurses and doctors checking up on me and bringing and taking my meals.

The rest of the day was pretty chill.


It had been almost a whole week that i had been in the hospital, i had been missing school for the past 4 days.

i woke up quite late. It was noon , a half hour since I woke up,  I had my first vistor knock on the door  'Hello?' they knocked, it wasn't a familiar voice . When i saw who it was I knew it was my doctor doing my regular check up.

'You were alseep for a while!' He says 'I knocked about 3 times at 11 and you were still alseep, long night?'

'Urm.. no, i slept pretty early actually, I don't know why I slept for so long!' I replied

He chuckled.

'So, how you feeling?

'Good, pretty wide a wake too! ' i added..

'Good, Good' he said slowly 'How is your arm, feeling any pain?' he said quicker checking off something

I tried to move it slighlty 'Ow! Yeah, its a sharp pain' I replied with a painful look on my face.

'Okay... And your leg?' He asked me using his pen to point

I looked confused, you cant move any thing if its in a cast, right?

'I mean, can you use the crutches and walk around with them?' He said noticing my facial expression

'Oh, Yeah, Yeah!' I said

'Can you show me?' He said, putting his pen to his lip

'Er.. Yeah..' I said getting up

He helped me by handing me the crutches which where parked by the door where i couldnt reach. When i was sure that i was sercure, i started to walk, i walked around the other side of my bed, back around where he was stood and to the door and back.

'Okay, thats perfect, thank you!' He said starting to write down on his clipboard

I made my way over to my bed and sat up, i put my foot on the bed then turned and put my other one in the large sling.

'Okay, I will be back tomorrow!' He said

'Urmm.. Wait...' I said stopping him in his travel

'Yes?' He asked

'How long will i be here? You know in the hospital?' I asked him

'Only for about 2 more days!' He smiled

I smiled back


Those two days past by slowly. Dad bought me clothes, Bels was with him.

They bought me trackies because of my cast and a long, baggy t-shirt.

I used my crutches to keep me up. When it came to my trackies, I sat up on the bed. Left foot in and finally my foot that was in a cast.  When I was dressed I put my black and white converse on my left foot.

Bels gave me some wooly socks, 'what are these for?' I asked her in confusion

'To put it on the hands of your crutches so you don't get dry skin and your skin wont start peeling, not nice,  trust me!' she explained smiling

'N'awe thanks!' I smiled back

She helped me put them on. For some reason things felt awkward,  like she  was hiding something!

Bels put my stuff in the bag they had bought my clothes in, she put my tab, my tab charger, my phone charger ,my phone and my school stuff.

Dad went out of my room to check me out of the hospital while me and Bels started to walk out of the hospital. When dad caught up to us, a familiar voice stopped him.

'Er.. excuse me sir, I'm Stefan...' I overheard, but confused wether I heard right or not

Bels turned to see who it was as she was helping me in to the car.

'Whats he doing here?'Bels whispered

'Who?' I said putting my left leg up, and not wanting to turn around.

'Stefan!' she whispered

'What??' I said slipping and almost falling over

'Whoo hoo! be careful, you only just got out!' she said catching me

When I was in the car, trying so hard not to look out the window,  I buckled my self in and I saw in and corner of my eye, dad walking towards the car alone. I turned slightly and saw Stefan walking away. What did dad say?

Bels got in the car and sat in the window seat as well, a seat away from me, I wonder why, she always sits next to me in the car?!

When dad got in the car, he strapped himself in, 'Dad? Who was that?' I asked pretending I didn't know who it was

'A young boy, called Stefan,  he wanted to talk to you!' he said turning to face me

Me and Bels both looked at each other for a second.

'Me?' i said pointing to myself 'why? did he say?' I said

'I dont know, he didn't say! He just said he wanted to talk to you' dad said starting the car

'Oh! And what you say?' I questioned

'Why are you asking so many questions?' dad asked, not answered what I asked

'Because if its got something to do with me then I want to know!' I replied

'Well, I said what a father would say...' he started, I looked at Bels thinking and wondering what dad would of said to humiliate me '.. I told him if he could come and visit another day, and that right now isnt good because you need to rest.' he finshed, I was quite relieved,  then I realised what dad said about him coming another day and I panicked. Dad started driving out of the hospital car park. Within 15 minutes we were in the drive way.

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