Chapter 4 : I Can't Do This!

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We walked into the toilets and guess who was there! 'The Unbeatables!' of course, every break they go in the toilets,take up all the space and check their make up and do their hair! No girl comes out of there unhumiliated ! Bels opened the door, saw who was in there and walked right back out 'No No girls stay! Ginnie said, putting her foot in the way of the door, stopping it from closing properly.

'I think i would rather almost die! Bels replied.

'Oh but that's a horrible thought!' Ginnie said looking at me, turning her head to the side.

'Well?! Not like you care anyway!' Bels said turning around so did i, we then started walking.

Ginnie chuckled,  so idid everyone else, including Rosa

'You hungry?' I asked her

'Yeah just a bit, i didnt have any breakfast this morning, you?' Bels replied, looking at me,

'Yeah me too, Wait you never have breakfast anyway!' i said turning to her!

'Hahah,  i know but im extra hungry today!' she laughed

'Yeah, like you're extra back chatty! ahah!' I laughed

'Is that a good thing?' She wondered,

'Yeah, ahah! i just love the way that you owned Rosa, 'You do realize that someone in your 'gang is ' ginger' ?  haha! I wcouldn't stop laughing! ahha!' I copied! i chuckled.

She laughed too! 'I know, good thing Stefan came, i wouldnt of had anything else to say!' she said, then realizing what she did! 'Sorry! i didn't mean to say his name, sorry!' She apologized.

'No, its okay!' I smiled

We got the hall, where there were loads of people, there was a massive cue for food and a smallest cue for drinks. Bels decided to go and get a drink and i went in the line for food, i was going to get a blueberry muffin. The food line was moving surprisingly quicker today. Bels had bought her drink and was waiting for me, it was finally my turn ' Hi, can i please have blueberry muffin?' i asked

'Let me just see if we have any left, okay?' the dinner lady, June her name was, it said so on her name tag. after talking to another dinner lady, she came back, when nothing in her hand.

'Sorry there are none left, someone just bought the last one!' she told me

'Oh okay' i replied

'Do you want any thing else?' she smiled

'No, thanks, i really wanted a muffin, but thanks' I smiled

'Oh, come at lunch, we will have some then, i'll save you one?' she winked

'Yeah, okay! Thanks' I smiled again

I turned around to walk away and Stefan was behind me, he had a muffin in his hand, guessing it was the last blueberry muffin, 

'Do you want mine?' He asked

'Urmm.. no no its okay, its yours' i said walking away, casually twirling my hair, i turned and saw Bels, i fast walked towards, her trying to get away from Stefan.

'You do realize, that's its not his fault? You re the one that hasn't told him how you feel.' Bels asked

'Yeah i know, but im just don't feel like talking to him!' I replied

We both walked out, Bels had a sip of her citrus, she offered it to me, i took it from her, i drank some.

The bell went, it was time for 3rd lesson, I had ICT...

'Oh my god! I sit right opposite Stefan! No.. No! I cant do this!' I realized

'You'll be fine!' Bels said hugging me. 'See you in... Art! Love you!' She said, waving to me, she wasn't in my lesson, she had music.

'Bye! Love you too!' I waved!

We both went our separate ways, she went right i went left, in about 3 mins i was at the door of the lesson, i walked in, Stefan wasn't there, i walked in quickly and sat down before Mrs Dawn noticed i walked in late. 'Youre late Rose!' Mrs Dawn said, as she was typing on her computer

'Sorry! I was in the toilet!' I replied

Stefan walked in, ' Sorry I'm late Miss!

'Its Mrs, I am married! Have a sit! And as for you Miss Liondraw (Me) try and get here on time next time, actually, take that for you to Mr Roygal' She said, looking at me through her glasses.

'Okay, continue your game from last lesson, this is your last lesson to finish, so i want this lesson to be a silent lesson! No talking please! Okay you have exactly 55 minutes... okay! begin!' She instructed

We are designing a game for an assessment! Mine is a maze game, like Mario but different, if you know what i mean, its called The Royal Ball, its a princess that has lost all her things she need for a royal ball like her dress, her crown, her shoes and along the was she has enemies, people that want to kidnap her, and the aim of the game is that you have to find all her things in a limited amount of time, it may sound a but disneyish but its not! trust me!

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